Who had the biggest influence on the White Mantle? We compare the two leaders.
Why has Balthazar returned to Tyria? Explore the possibilities inside!
We sit down with that_shaman to talk data - mining and more.





2 GUILDMAG #19 | In This Issue



EDITORI ALS 60 THRIFTY THREADS Grab your self a new out fi t for the summer, i nspired by the White Mantle and volcanoes.
LORE & HISTORY TO HUMBLE A GO D Balt h aza r h a s ret urned to Tyria, se eki n g p owe r for an u nknown cau se - but why?



26 THE COST OF SA V ING TYRI A Recap the lat est Living Worl d episo des in prepa ration for the u pcoming fi nale.
37 L IGHT MY FI R E Berse rke r s em bo dy fi re, but t h eir lore is decidedly la cking - so h e re we a re! THE CENT A UR T RIBES W atch tower Cl i ff s is hom e to som e very an gr y cent aur s, but not all cent aur s a re the sa m e...


56 ZIN N: SUPER G ENIU S Who is the ep onymou s Zinn, cre ator of M.O.X and golem an ce r extraor di na ire?
THE ALPHA & THE OMEGA Showdown of the White Mantle le a de r s! We com pa re Sau l and Caudecu s’ i n fl uen ces.
64 FAITHFUL An Inqu isi tor journeys to u nse en dept hs in t h is s t andalone s hor t s tor y.
20 T HE WAR IN KRYT A Ne ed a refresher on the Mantle’s prev iou s demise? We’ve got you cove red.
COMMUNITY AN INTER V IE W W ITH THA T _ SHA MAN Ne w writer Vi an si ts down with t h at_shaman to t alk dat a-mining and why h e does i t.


We t ake a p e ek i nside Relics of Or r , an NA- ba sed PvE guild.


COMMUNITY AR T Delve i nto t h is issue’s collec tion of i nspiring a r t, curat ed by resident cr i tic Kent Benson.


WAR PRO FITE ER S: PARTS II & III The journey conti nues as the sol diers fa ce t h re ats fr om bot h the ju n gle and the Bla ck L ion.


LEGACY 23 ye a r-ol d Za chariah’s worl d is about to ch an ge foreve r in t h is ne w series.


THE MAN BEHIN D THE MASK Ki t the Tra vele r presents a u n ique s tor y wr i tt en excl u sively for GuildM a g.


Ed it o r’ s Le t ter | GUILDMAG #19











Welco me t o Guild Mag I ssu e 19! E pis o d e 6 o f Sea s o n 3 is j ust aroun d th e corn er, s o we’r e her e t o mak e sur e y o u’r e ca u ght u p o n ev erything you n e ed t o kno w b efor e the epi c fi nale .

the team

WRITER S Kent Benson, NovaInfu se, Starconspirator, Via n de Bod COP YEDITORS Littleboat, Kalabajooie, Talus DESIGNER S Anthonz, Xero e
Join our awesome team www.g uildm ag .c o m/j oin
t’s a lmost time for th e fi nale of Season 3 of G uild Wars 2 ’s Living World. So far, we’ve seen a resurgence of the Whi te Mantle; the so-called mursaat Laza rus reveal himself as Balthazar, human God o f War; and not to mention a plethora of new maps to explore and yet another season with out much of Rytlock! As July 25th approaches, it’s my pleasure to present to you GuildMa g’s 19th digital magazine: Flame s of the Mantle. In this issue, we explore everything you need to
prepare for whatever may come in the fi nale. From lore on Balthazar, White Mantle leadership and the War in Kryta to our Season 3: Episod e 4 & 5 recap and a n exclusive interview with community legend that_shaman, there’s plenty to keep you bu sy for the next couple of weeks. As always, we’ve also packed this ma gazine with hand- picked community a rtwork and thrilling pieces o f fi ction produced by our talented team of wr iters, a ll centering around this issu e’s theme. In “Faithful”, a White Mantle Inquisitor’s nerve is tested as she journeys to the bloodstone. Meanwhile, Ken t
Benson continu es h is series with parts two and three of “War Pro fi teers” - if you missed the fi rst in stalment, make sure to c atch up in GuildMag I ssue 17 fi rst! To close, I’d l ike to r emind our readers that we’re alway s looking for new volunteers to join our awesome tea m. From writers and copyeditor s to designers and streamers, there’s a position for any skillset; if y ou’re looking for new skills t o add to your resume, GuildMag is the perfect place! You can fi nd more information at
4 GUILDMAG #19 | LORE - To Humble a God

To Humble a God

Like it or hate it, the reveal that “Lazarus” was Balthazar al l a long has dropped a bombshell o n the Guild Wars 2 story. While it would not be true to say that the twist w a s entirely without h ints*, few expected that the human god s wou ld be returnin g to the story any time soon, let alone that one already had in the guise of a mursaat. So, how is it that we come to find ourselves fighting again st a god?
LORE - To Humbl e a God | GUILDMAG #19
6 GUILDMAG #19 | LORE - To Hum bl e a God
We can deduce Baltha zar’s motivations for the actions w e see from the dialogue in the instances. If you stick aroun d after the fi ghting ends in the Tai mi’s Pet Pr oject instance to talk to NPC s such as Marjory and Taimi, a recurring theme is tha t Balthaza r does not appear to be as strong a s he sh ould b e - a human PC, i n fact, will observe that viewing Balthazar’s true form should have blin ded all onlookers. I n the Heart of the Volcano instance, w e see the culmination of this - just before the destruction of Taimi’s machi ne, Ba lthazar states “I was weak… I’m feeling much better n ow.” So it appears that something had caused Balthazar to lose his power, and his reason for being on Tyria wa s to absorb eno ugh power t o renew himself - fi rst from a bloodstone, and then from Primordus and Jormag. This does raise the question, however : what caused Balthazar to lose his power, and what ra mifications might this  have for t he story going forwards? We do have one hint  to this: earlier in the final batt le, Balthaza r states that a mysterious “they was responsible for “dimming his light”. This suggests two things. First , it
indicates that Balthaza r’s depowerin g was not accidental, or wa s at least the result of the actions of a third party. Secon d, unless Balthaz a r is using the singula r “they” for an ad versary whose gender is indetermina te, i t suggests that Balthazar’s depowering was cau sed by a group, not by a single entity. And his statement th at “they will see me now” su ggests that Balthazar will be looking for a rematch with his recentl y renewed power. Another curious thing is that Balthazar states, “I have learned there is no h onour in war.” To pu t this in context, Balthaza r has always been portrayed as a god that feels that there is hon our and
glory in war, and that wars should be fou ght in an honourable manner (as opposed to the deception and trickery employed b y Menzies). Something must have happen ed to cause this shift in charact er. So, what caused Ba lthazar’s depowering in th e fi rst place? Who are th e mysterious “they”? In the rest of th e article, I will consider three possible scenarios, and th e possible directions the stor y could go in each. The first possible scenario as to how Balthazar has been depowered is that he was supplanted by a challenger w ithin the Fissure of Woe, in a similar manner to h ow Grenth deposed Dhuum. The prime suspect for this is, of course, Menzies, wh o has been attempting to  su pplant Balthaza r since the original Guild Wars. However , it is possib le that som e new challenger has arisen in the intervening time,  one w ho proved more successful

The Dhuum Scenario

LORE - To Humbl e a God | GUILDMAG #1 9
than the Lord of Destruction. If th e challenger proved victorious through the use of some trick, pa rticular ly one that exploited Balthaza r’s sense of h onour, th is might also explain his changed attitude. One fl aw in this scenar io is that Balthaza r states that “they abated me” - the “they” indicates that a gr oup was responsible, not a single entity . However, the precedent o f Grenth had Dhuum being defeated not by Grent h alo n e , but by Grenth and seven companions, who wou ld become the seven Reaper s. Similarly, Balthazar may have been brought low by a group - possibly M enzies and a group of Shadow Army commander s and/or traitorous Eternals, or possibly some other group. In this scenario, there are at least two possible directions the story could go. On e is that we support Balthazar’s replacement agai nst the newly re-energised Balthazar. The alterna tive, however, is that despite the PC’s current (and quite understandable) opposition to the  former God of  War, we will find   ourselves supporting Balthazar to  retake hi s throne; as  distasteful as it may be,  Baltha zar may be better than the alternative.
A second possibility is that, to
put i t bluntly, the rest of the pantheon (or a substan tial majority, anyway) had enoug h
of Balthazar’s shenanigans and pulled him down themselves. Balthazar has a lwa ys been presented as on e of the most morally questionable of the human gods. According to the Or rian History Scrolls, it was Baltha zar that encouraged humanity to  go to war a gainst t he other r aces - a gainst the explicit wishes of Melandru at least. The story of Kaolai gives another example: to spar e vil lage from
punishment for a brea ch of etiquette, Kaolai challenges Balthazar to a game o f Nui.
What the breach of etiquette was, what the punishment w a s going to be, and even the
One hint to Lazarus’ true identity was his usage of fi re. Previous appearances had indicated that his p ower lay in necromancy (Saul’s Story) an d air magic (the aspect in Justiciar N aveed), so his widespread use of fi re could hav e been a clue. However, this could easily be overlooked since an aspect of Lazarus was already known to u se air magic, which i s a branch of elemental magic - it wou ld be entirely reasonable that a lon g-lived being such as a mursaat might h ave mastered both necromancy and elemental magic, and might employ fi re mag ic in situations where wide-scale destruction is called for.

The Abaddon Scen


8 GUILDMAG #19 | LORE - To Hum bl e a God
nature of the game is n ot know n - however, when Balthazar found himself defeated by a mortal seven days later, he slew Kaolai in a fi t of rage. While h e later repented and raised Kaolai’s spirit to a place of honour in Tahnnakai Temple, these acts show a readiness to resort to violence that could w ell be viewed as a liability b y the res t of the pantheon. It’s possible that, at some stage after Kormi r’s ascension, something caused the other gods to decide that the liabili ty was too much. Perhaps it was a single act that was so outrageous that th e other gods simply could not forgive him, or perhaps it was simply the cumulativ e effect of multiple such a cts that made the other gods d ecid e that it was the last straw. Regardless, the end result is with Balthazar cast  down and the pantheon needing replacement - perhaps this time, unlike Abaddon, they had on e prepa r e d i n advance, or perhaps they are still looking. Balthazar’s lesson,  here, might  be an ironic  repet ition of something that one of the other gods might have said to  him as
they were administ ering his depowering - one could easily imagine that one of the more peaceful goddesses such as Dwayna or Melandru might express such an opinion , especially if the tr igger was Balthazar engaging on an otherwise unnecessary war over some point of hon our. One flaw in this scenario is, of course, Lyssa’s mirror . Interacting with the mirro r with a human mesmer in the Taimi’s Pet Pr oject inst ance indicates that Lyssa “must have helped Balthazar for reasons known o nly to her - however, this may be the PC jumping to c onclusions. The mirror might have been stolen, or it might have been a gif t given before
Balthaza r’s fa ll from gr ace. Alternativ ely, Lyssa might have given it to Balthazar for her own reasons (to taunt Balthazar with his d epowered state, o r to give him a means to assume a new id entity to hide from any enemies that might take the opportunity to fi nish him o ff ) withou t anticipating the use that Balthazar would put it to. Another possibility is that there may be dissent w ithin the pantheon, with Lyssa still supporting Balthazar, possibl y without the knowledge of th e other gods. If the decision to cast Balthaza r down was unanimou s amo ng the gods, we’re probably looking at another si mple fi nish o ff or contain the fallen god” scenario, similar to Abaddon and Dhuum. Alternativ ely, we may be looking at a the possibility of a struggle a mong the gods, where the fall of Balthazar i s simply the fi rst sign to be see n on Tyria. If so, it’s l ikely that we’ll eventually fi nd ourselves in the position of supportin g one sid e of the pantheo n against the other. The third possibilit y is that it isn’t just Balthaza r that has fall en - the entire pantheon is in trouble, and Balthaza r is just the first w e’ve seen.

The Ragnar

ok Scenario

LORE - To Humbl e a God | GUILDMAG #1 9
I’ve seen theories linking the depowering of the gods to th e rise of the dragons, but I’m no t inclined to agree with those. The dragons, while powerful, are still fundamentally beings of Tyria, while the gods are… not. While the dragons do have some ability t o in fl uence the Mists, I don’t think there’ s any direct connection that would allow the dragons to siphon power from the gods. However, there are hints that there might be other threats in the Mists. The cause of th e destruction of th e human homeworld rem ains a mystery, that perha ps even the gods themselves had mostly forgotten. The Orrian History Scrolls state that “what passed beyond in the M ists, only (Abaddon) remembers” - perhaps this information was passed onto Kormir, but even if it was, it might have come with so much other knowledge that it would take time for her to sift through. The Mists also constantly create demons and other beings, some of which might rival the gods, or there might be other pantheons of gods, Elder Dra gons, and similar beings from oth er worlds. In particular, the Forgotten Virashek in the Ga t e of An guish passed on the rumour that the Ravenhea rt Gloom links to places “worse than the Realm of Torment”, from which an attack might come. One of the bat tles against such a foe might have caused Balthazar’s power to be drained, causing him to
seek re-empowerment b y whatever means necessary in order to re-enter the fray. H uman legend states that when th e gods left Tyria, they left in order to shepherd other worlds. This may simply be an exaggeration of the actual r esponsibilities of the gods, as many human legends have shown to be - however, this might lead to a possible justification for Balthaza r’s seeming d i sregar d for T yria. If the destruction of one world allows for the ability to protec t many mor e, that may well be a sac rifice worth making, although the inhabitants of that world m ay, of course, think differently. In this  context, Balthaza may have  reached the  rea lisation that  honour in war is something you can often only afford from position of strength, where your existence is not truly on the line.
If th e situation is truly desperate, any dirty trick or sacri fi ce becomes justi fi e d if it means that you, and the majority (or at least some) of those you protect, survive to feel bad about it later. This scenario is probabl y the most interesting, as it could lead to an entirely new direction for the story. The concept of a ‘mist war’ has been in Guild Wars 2 from release, but it has largely bee n portrayed as a simple bat tle for the resources of t he Mists. Outside that, however, there may be a second Mist War, against a foe which might trul y be out to destroy worlds… a n d we may find ourselves fighting alongside the gods and their servants to protect Tyria against this threat. It’s also possible t h at this scenar io can be combined with one of the others - that th e pressure of a conflict of this nature caused
10 GUILDMAG #19 | LORE - To Humbl e a God
Balthaza r to do something that his peers saw a s crossing a moral event hori zon, causing them to depose him or to allow a third party to overthrow him. I should note that there is als o a theory fl oating around that the situation may b e so bad that the other go ds may also be hidin g in disguise among the people of Tyria (including Lyssa being Jennah, or Jennah and Anise). While this theory cannot b e entirely discounted , I consider it do ubtful, at least without the additional f actor of Balthazar having gone rogue. If the other gods are hiding on Tyria, it seems unlikely that Balthazar would have such a cavalier attitude towards Tyri a’s destruction as he shows in the Heart of the Volcano instance. So, all up, we have three broad possibilities for  what has happen ed: Balthazar w a s cast  down by a  direct challenger ; by his fellow gods in the pantheon; or by some external force which
threatens all of th e gods. Whichever i t is, there may be a good c han ce w e’l l see a revi si t to Orr before it’s all over, as the Season 3 Episode 6 teaser image released on J uly 12 suggests. It’s poss i b l y the bes t place t o learn more about the gods, even if it probably won’t help much with whatever i s going o n with the gods now. While I generally try to be non - judgemental wh en discussing the lore, I d o have concerns that a situation where w e end up having to fi nish o ff Bal tha zar o nce a n d f o r a l l - or , worse, the entire pantheon if it turns out that they’re fully cooperating with Balthazar - will feel like they’ve sacri fi ced a key piece of the gam e’s lore for the sake of a boss fight (or six). What I’d prefer to see is a situatio n where, once we get the full picture, Balthaza r’s actions and  his willingness to sacrific e Tyria become at least
understandable. This does not mean that we won’t end u p bringing him down noneth eless - some of the best villains are people w ho genuinely think they’re do in g what’s necessary - but it woul d put it in the context o f things having gone so badly that we might at least consider that the r isk Balthaza r took was worth it. A para llel could be drawn to h ow many people believe that the mursaa t were justi fi ed in sacri fi cin g the Chosen to keep the Door of Komalie closed - w hile cert ainly a distasteful a ct, it may well be justi fi ed if it helps to hold back a threat wh ich might destroy so much more.

Final Thoughts

12 GUILDMAG #19 | LORE - The Alpha & The Omega

The Alpha

The Omega


o r those intereste d in the history of the White Mantle, the update of th e 8th of Februa ry, despite its delays, certainly delivered. In Episode 4 of the third Living World story arc, w e saw the culmination for Caudecus’ plots to seize the throne of Kryta, leading to the dow nfall of th e present Con fessor of th e White Mantle and,
perhaps, the destruction of h i s faction of the White Mantle at the hands of the Seraph and the S hining Blade. Meanwhile, in Bastion of the Penitent, raiders hav e the opportunity to learn of the fate of the fou nder of the White Mantle, Saul d’Alessio… and, if they have the skill and valour, to r escue him from that fate, if only t o his death.
It says something a bout the evolution of the White Mantle that these two men almost cou ld not be any more di ff erent. As much as the Shining Blade w ould like to paint things otherwise, the White Mantle under Saul w e re gen u ine h eroes, a militi a that saved Kryta in its darkest hour when its standing army and royal line had failed. If the mursaat had trul y been
LORE - The Alpha & The Omega | GUILDM AG #19
the benevolent beings that Saul had believed them to b e, he would likely now be liste d among humanity’s gr eatest heroes. However, that was n o t the case, and Saul’s remova l allowed the mursaat to reshape the White Mantle int o fanatics that would murder in their name. W ith the defeat of the mursaat and the W hite Mantle evicted from Kryta (openly, a t lea st), devotion to the religion o f the Unseen would fade and steadily b e replaced by a determination to seize Kryta a t any cost. In this context, it seems worthwhile to look b ack over the lives of the two men, and to compar e and contrast t o see how this re fl ects on the White Mantles that they lead. Three areas in particular stan d out a s distinctions between the two men: their respective social standings before joinin g the White Mantle, their degre e of faith, and how much they actually care about Kryta . We don’t know much about Saul d’Alessio’s soci al standing before his disgrace. It’s possible that, prior t o amassing his gambling debts, Saul may have been of higher standing, making his fa ll analogous to that of Kasmeer’s family - however, one might suspect that if Saul had b een a noble or otherwise o f high station, this wou ld be mentioned i n the records of the W hite Mantle’s fo unding.
Whatever he might hav e been, Saul arr ived a t the city of the mursaat from the dregs of society. G ambling debts had driven him to commit robbery t o survive, and on being caught, he was sentenced t o banishmen t - not simply b y sending him to another nation, but instead his sentence was carried o ut b y abandoning him i n a regio n of hostile wilderness w here he was expected to die. He stumbled upon the mursaat as a convicted criminal on the verge of starvation. Given this background, it is surprising that a man who ha d e ff ectively been sentenced to dea th was accep ted so rea di ly by the people of Kryta on h is return.
Perhaps it speaks of the transformation worked upon Saul by the mursaat - t hey had taken a broken man and
rebuilt him as a charisma tic
leader, and replaced his rags with the white mantle that wou ld give th e name to the organisation he wou ld found . Or perhaps it simply speaks o f the situation of Kryta that the y were willing to accept anyone wh o might be able to lead a defence a gainst the charr , however d ubious his past background might be. By contrast, Lord Caudecus Beetlestone has likely n ever experienced a day of privatio n in his life. He joined the White Mantle as the holder of th e second most p owerful o ffi ce in Kryta, and that only after his term of regency wa s ended b y Jennah reaching her age of majority. His ‘p rotectiv e custody’ in Jennah’s palace wa s certainly an inconvenience to him, but little comparison to what Saul likely su ff ered in the jungle. Without having been forma lly accused of anything, h is privilege among Krytan society remained until he openly announced h imself as the Confessor of the W hite Mantle, and by th en he was fi rmly ensconced among his followers that l ikely conti nu e d to serve his every need. In the

Social Standing

Saul arrived at the city of the mursaa t from the dregs of societ y [. . .] a s a convicted crimina l on the verge of starvation .
height of a rrogance, he would even return to the manor he had been forced to abandon after his failed a ttempt on Jennah’s life - and i t was there , in his expansive mansion, tha t justice fi nally caught up with him. According t o all evidence, Saul genuinely believed that the mursaat were divine beings w ho w ould protect and care for the people of Kryta in the ab sence of the Five Gods. He was the founde r and, for a time, the strongest spokesman o f the religion of the Unseen. However, he also demonstrated toler ance towards the old religion of the Fiv e Gods - his decree that the Temple of the Ages and other holy sites be left unmolested was r espec ted by his successors, and ma y have been respon sible for the preservation of the Krytan royal line, a lthough he could not have kn own it at the time. While his faith was not unshakeable, su ff ering a critical blow when confronted with eviden ce that the mursaa t were not the b enevolent beings h e had believed they were, according to all evidence he genuinely
believed in the mu rsaat as divine saviours up to that point. For Cau decus, on the other hand, th e beliefs of th e White Mantle were just one more tool in his b id to ascend to th e
t h rone of Kryta. Not only d oe s he fail to share those beliefs, but when it appeared that the more devout members of the White Mantle w ere close to returning a mursaat to life, he saw this as a threat to his power, actively seeking to sabotage Lazarus’ retur n. Fortunately for Caudecus, it seems that enough members of the White Mantle agreed with his policy that he retaine d a signi fi cant army even after Lazarus the Dire’ had declare d him to be apostate. It is, perhaps, in their attitude towards others that th e greatest contrast between th e two can be seen. Where one, for all his mistakes and fl aws, seems to have been genuinel y motivated b y seeking to achieve the best for Kryta,
the other was driven only by naked ambition. Despite having been sentenced to be left to die by the judges of Kryta, Saul w as willing t o put his life on the line for its people. Even the
small front ier village of Demetra was worthy of his personal attention, and it was there that Saul’s faith in the mursa at was put into con fl ict with his desire for a bright future for Kryta… and lost. Saul recognised that in founding the religion of the Unseen, h e had not b een the saviour of Kryta but instead brought d own a n ew doom. When the mursaat sensed this realisation, they took him to b e tortured until he agreed to become their puppet. H is refusal to help them maintain control of Kryta led to his torture being prolon ged for hundreds of years, until deat h wou ld come as a release. Even after being con fi ned in the Bastion of the Penitent, it appears Saul did not give up - a note planning an escape attempt stresses that “t hey must know th e truth” and is signed with the initial ‘S’. For Caudecus, by contrast, the people of Kryta were merely pawns to be sacri fi ced if it brought him closer to the throne. In the human personal story we see his machinations: spawn a crime



Saul genuinely believed that the mursaat were divine beings who would protect and care for th e people of Kryta in the absence of the Five Gods.
14 GUILDMAG #19 | LORE - The Alpha & The Omega
LORE - The Alpha & The Omega | GUILDM AG #19
wave in Divinity’s Reach and Queensdale; sabotage Kryta’s water infrast ructure; and incite a centaur invasion. This caused signi fi cant loss to the people of Kryta in both lives and property, all in the name of undermining the Q ueen’s reign in h ope of having h er declared u n fi t to rule. His disregard for the welfare of the people h e would rule only becomes clea rer a fter he is unm asked as the Confessor of the W hite Mantle and he declares that h e would rather see Kryta destroyed than in the hands of anyone else… and backs up that declaration with a full-scale assaul t on Divinity’s Reach. E ven his own family was not immu ne - when his wife an d daughter realised what sort o f man he had become, he arranged for each to pay with their lives. While Saul rose from a convicted cr iminal that was e ff ectively s e n tenced to d e a t h to become the de facto ruler o f Kryta, Caudecus had alr eady been the de facto ruler of Kryt a before, and his life ended wit h execution for treason. W here one was empowered b y his faith on ly to be broken anew
after the revelation that his faith had been misplaced, the other acted pur ely on his own behalf, even to the p oint o f sabotaging the resur rection of the o ne to wh ose religion he ga ve lip service. Where one su ff ered a fa te worse than death on behalf of Kryta, never knowing if his sacri fi ce was in vain, the other was willin g to sacr i fi ce a s much of the nation as it took if it meant he could rule over the ruins of what was left. These distinctions echoed the changing face of the White Mantle. In Saul’s time, it was a militia r a ise d from the peop l e , for the people, at a time when Kryta’s tr aditional leader s had fa iled them. The White Mantle of Caudecus, on the other hand, was dominated by corrupt ministers seeking to preserve and expand their power and wealth at any cost, deliber ately sabotaging Kryta in order to wea ken the established (and, to a ll evidence, q uite competent wh en not being u ndermined from within) government.
In one ironic fashion, however , the White Mantle seems to have come full cir cle. While Saul was a true believer in the mursaat, talking with some of his followers in the “Rise of the W hite Mantle” storybook instance y ields responses tha t indicate that many of them are not i n fact true believers, but join ed the White Mantle as that was their best way o f contributin g to the defence of Kryta. Even in th e time of Guild Wars: Prophecies , it’s questionable how many of the lower-ranking member s of the W hite Mantle truly believed o r whether they wer e just serving in what was then Kryta’s de facto national army. However, it is certain tha t, with Saul’ s death, devotion to the Unseen w ould become an increasing par t of the White Mantle’s identity. Over the centuries where La zarus remained divided into aspect s and all other mursaat wer e believed dead, however, this religious i dentity would dwindle, u ntil for many the focus shifted from the service of the mursaat to the building of temporal p ower for themselves.


For Caudecus [. . .] the people of Kryta were merely pawns.

THe war in


20 GUILDMAG #19 | RECAP - The War in K ryta



RECAP - The War in Kryta | GUILDMAG #19
ryta , the last fr ee nation of humans, has been plun ged into civil war . Minister Caudecus, recently revealed to be the cur rent Confessor of the W hite Mantle, has rallied his forces against the crown. Once again , the White Mantle has p ulled Kryta in to a b loody con fl ict. Once again, the human natio n stands divided . “Once again?” you ask? Indeed , for Kryta was involved in an inner con fl ict once before. Nearly two hun dred and fi fty years ago, the fi r st Krytan civil war ended; a civil wa r that was, in fact, instigated by th e White Mantle as well. It is important to understand the events that transpired all those year s a go. For those unfamiliar with the tales, it is valuable to under stand history. When we un derstand history, it c an be ea sier to assess the present and the future. For those w ho kn ow the old stories, it is important to refresh one’s mem or y. A gem, no matter how brilliant, can always bene fi t from a thorough polishing every now and th en. So then, what exactly happened i n the war? Wh at was it that transpired during this bloody time i n history? It is a tale of fanaticism, betrayal , sacri fi ce, and loss. But it is not without hope. I t is both complex and elementary. It is a cornerstone in the history of the human race. It is, as the
old tomes ca ll it, the War in Kryta.
In order to u nderstand the war itself, one must fi rst understand the reasons for its occurrence. Back dur ing the height of the war betwee n the charr and the humans, th e Krytan king fl ed the throne in order to escape the coming charr forces. When the charr fi nally arrived, they fou nd themselves not facing the Krytan army, but the forces of Saul D ’Alessio: th e W hite Mantle. After driving the charr forces back with the h elp of their “Unseen Gods”, the W hite Mantle were made the official governing body of K ryta, with Confessor Dorian taking  charge in the  wake of Saul’s disappearanc e. With no known royal candidate to take the throne, the Krytan people gladly accepted the rule of their new saviours. Unbekn ownst to the Krytans and the Mantle, the former king had sired an illegiti mate heir to the throne. Her name was Salm a. The discovery of Pr incess Salma div ided Kryta . Many people believed that Salma was the rightful heir and
that the White Mantle had committed atroc ities tha t were entirely unforgi vable. Others believed that the Mantle were justi fi ed in their sacri fi ce of hum an lives in order to protect the inhabitants of Kryta, and that the Mantle had done well in protecting their people. Though limited to those who knew of the sacri fi ces, si nce the Mantle did well t o h id e these deeds, this divide made some inhabitants of Kry ta unruly and di ffi cult for the Mantle to control. In response , the Mantle established a forc e dedicated to keeping the country in a peaceful sta te. This force was kn own a s the Peacekeeper s. The Peacekeepers, h owever, were little more than bandits paid for and sponsored by the Mantle. They constantly extorted people out of their mon ey and har assed locals for their own gain or amusement. On top of that, t ravel bans were put in place, al lowing only those with permits to tra vel between Krytan provinces. Unfortunately, very  few permits were given to those who need ed them, effectively placing Kryta in a self-imposed siege. The White Mantle seemed completely indi ff erent to the harassment o f their people as well as the economic



he War: A Brief


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impact of the travel ban, thus proving themselves corrupt in th e eyes o f many. O nce- faithful members abandon ed the Mantle and joined the ever-growing n umber of supporters un der Princess Salma: the Shin in g Blade. The con fl ict between Man tle and Blade escal ated soon after , resulting in one of Kryta’s bloodiest con fl icts . However, many do not exactly understand the di ff erent forces involved or their motivations. Who were the Shin ing Blade? What did the White Mantle fi ght for? What, or who, exactl y were these “Un seen Gods” or “mursaat” that the Man tle followed, and what exactly di d they want from the humans? Questions such as these must be answered. We begin, then , with the most praised and better understood of these factions, the Shin ing Blade. The Shining Blade b egan as a movement among Krytans wh o ha d dis c o vered w ha t ha d been really happen ing to the Chosen. The ugly truth w as that the White Mantle were sacri fi cing the lives of innocen t Krytans upon a bloodstone altar. This was, howev er, unkn own by the general
public. The White Mantle had convinced them that these people, or “Chosen” a s they were called, were gathered u p by the Mantle in order to lear n from the Grand Masters in th e Temple of the Unseen. It’s not known how the fi rst member s of the Shining Blade became awar e of this, but they formed a n insurgency from early i n the White Mantle’s reign, ambushing White Mantle convoys to rescue th e Chosen and building their numbers t o spread the word and launch further atta cks. Upon the discovery of Salma ’s existence, they fl ocked to her side; procla iming her the true ruler of Kryta and opposed anything related to the White Mantle. A t fi rst they were a small force, nothin g more than a minor nuisance for the White Mantle. That soon changed. After r evealing the ugly truth of the W hite Mantle’s operations and meeting with a grou p of Ascalonian refugees, their numbers grew and they were soon a threat with pow er to rival the Mantle’s. Though the Sh ining Blade’s initial size made them little more than a nuisance to the White Mantle, their numbers steadily grew. Soon th ey were strong en ough t o pose
a true threat and eventual ly became the major opposition to the White Mantle and their Un seen Gods. The Shinin g Blade had less-than- humble beginn ings, but their deter mination to save the inhabitants of Kryta an d restor e the Doric bloodline to the throne helped them grow into Kryta’s saving grace. Though they are n ow only a small force o f personal protectors to the Kr ytan monarch, they boa st a grea t history. Had it n ot been for the e ff orts of th e Shinin g Blade, Kryta may well still hav e been under the oppression of the White Mantle and their deities. The Lionguard was originally the royal army and police force of Kryta. With the White Man tle’s assumption of power, the Lionguard saw its jurisdiction and fund ing steadily eroded until it was reduced to a glori fi ed city watch for Lion’s Arch and some outlying sett lements that the White Mantle lacked concern for. While outwardly loya l to (if somewhat envious o f) Kryta’s new over lords, it was the Lionguard w ho sou ght the restoration of the throne , after discovering the lost heir, Princess Salma, with the aid o f foreign adventurers. For muc h of the con fl ict, th e Lionguard remained outwardly subservient t o the Mantle, hiding the rediscovered heir

The Shining Blade

The Lionguard

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in the wilderness west of Kryta. However, th ey turned a blind eye towards en emies of the Mantle operating in the settlements that remained under their jurisdi ction, including Lion’s Arch. The moment that the Lionguard declared for Salma was the beginning of th e end for the White Man tle, as Kryta’s most important city was turned to the rebels withou t a fi ght. Within the year, the Whit e Mantle’s strength would be b roken by the city’s defenders, and the White Mantle were forced t o withdraw from Kryta. However, the Lionguard would   never again be th e royal army of Kryta. Qu een Salma’s reform s instituted the Seraph to serve that role,
which included former members of the Lionguard as well as the Shining Blad e and reformed White Mant le. The Lionguard itself w ould continue to remain the city guard of Lion ’s Arch alone. The origin of the White Mantl e is quite the str ange tale. An organisation that ruled Kryta started out with just one man ; a m an exiled for his crimes against the people. This man was Saul D ’Alessio. Though h e was n ot a w holly good man, he was not entirely evil. Saul was a man prone to his vices, one of which was gambling. With a mountain of debt facing him, he took to stealing from merchant s in order to pay it o ff . Unfortunately for him, he was arrested and exiled. In his wanderings within the forest, Saul found st range creatur es that he ca lled his “Unseen Gods”. They asked him to r eturn to Kryta and spread their teachings. He did just that, but when he returned, he found Kryta in ruin. The king had fled and
the charr were i n the middle of their invasion. The p eople were broken and scared. N aturally, they fl ocked to Saul, w ho taught them of these gods wh o would save them. His following grew as h e defeated more and more of the invading charr. However, after one of the greatest victories against the invaders, these gods took Saul to their homeland, and he w as never seen alive again. From that point on th e White Mantle, now under the rule of Confessor Dorian, gr ew. In the peaceful yea rs after the invasion of the charr , they became the leaders and peaceful overseers of Kryta. This soon changed, as th eir fanatic ism drove them t o sacri fi cing innocent civilians upo n a bloodston e for their gods. When the heir to the throne was discovered, thei r claim to power weakened even more. Since then, these once-peaceful Krytan hero es became one of the greatest enemies of the p eople since the charr invasion. The White Mantle’s beginning s are of a noble nature. Saul merely wanted to help h is people. He was a good man , despite his fl aws. Even the original leaders of the White Mantle at fi rst tried t o keep the peace and help their countrymen grow. This, of course, changed due t o the in fl uence of their go ds. Th ese unseen deities were powerful beings we now kno w a s mursaat, but not m uch is

The White Mantle

RECAP - The War in Kryta | GUILDMAG #19
known of their r ace or their intentions. The mursa at were some of the l ast r emnants of the ancient races of Tyria. Unlike the jotun, who had fallen fro m a great empire into savagery, the mursaa t rem ained a powerful race. The prev ious rising of the Elder Dr agons had worn awa y at their numbers immensely. Th ey were a race on the verge of extinction, and th us were desperate to do what they had to in order to survive. Thi s instinctual drive for survival pushed them to the extreme when a prophecy foretold their annihilation. The Flameseeker Pr ophecies were written by an ancient dragon known as Glint. Withi n these prophetic writings, it was foretold that the mursaat would be destroyed by the T itans (great beasts immune to the mursaat’s powerful magic). Out of fear , the mursaat used Saul D ’Alessio t o gather up a s many humans a s possible. These human s were called the “Chosen” and were sacri fi ced upon a blood stone within the Maguuma Jungle. The purpo se of this was twofold. First, the mursaat wanted to rid themselves of the “chosen ones” predicted t o bring about their ruin within the prophecies. Secon d, the mursaat used the sacri fi c e of these humans to power large c rystals known as soul batter ies.
Soul batteries were sour ces of power meant to seal sh ut a doorway that kept their destruction, the T itans, at bay . This doorway was a portal called the “Door o f Komalie” and led to a place called the “Foundry o f Failed Creations”. Within this realm, the T itans roamed. Their powerful magic, along with their resistanc e to the mursa at’s greatest attacks, made them impossible for the m ur saat to defeat. Though much can be said against the mursaa t and their arrogant, self-serving nature, one must remember tha t they did w ha t they t hought necessary. Though their actions were cruel and monstrous towards humans, they did not do it  out of any hatred for the  human r ace. The mursaa t were m erely doing whatever they  possibly could to ensure their
survival. They were fi ghting for their lives against a seemingly unchangeable fate . To them, the ends ju sti fi ed the means. Four factions fough t in the Krytan civil war, and ea ch fought for what th ey thou ght was right. The Shining Blade fought to protect the Chosen and p reve n t the Whi t e Mantl e from perfor ming additional sacri fi ces. The Li onguard fought to empower the true heir of Kryta in order to keep the b loodline of Kin g Doric on the throne. The W hite Mantle fought to rema in in control and to appease their gods, w ho they believed sincerely cared for them. The mursaat fought in order to survive their

The Mursaat

The End

RECAP - Th e War in Kryta
RECAP - The War in Kryta | GUILDMAG #19
inevitable destruction, doing whatever they believed necessary to do so. In the end, it was the Sh ining Blade and Lionguard that were victorious over all. The mursaat wer e destroyed as prophesied and th e White Mantle faded into obscurity. Princess Salm a became the Queen o f Kryta and the Shining Blade b ecame the guard of the royal line from that day on . History i s not something that can be loo ked at through a single lens. History is a prism tha t must be admired from all angles in order to appreciate the entire picture. Though there are dispu tes about which side was righ t in doing what was d one, and though some claim that these facti on s wer en’t a ppr opria tely portrayed within the old tales, one must not forget that each side of a con fl ict has its reasons. Not every party is two-dimensional. There are technically three sides to a coin.

The Cost of

Saving Tyria

S3 Recap: Episodes 4 & 5

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The Head of the Snake

eason Three of the Living World continu es to pull on more plot threads with two of its most recent episodes: 4 - “The Head of the Snake” and 5 - “Flashpoint”. Both these episodes make the fate of the human stor y a centra l concern. Episode 4, and the raid wing that released with this episode, focuses on th e two characters responsible fo r the rise and fall of the White Mantle, while Episode 5 bring s one of the human gods back to Tyria. As we look forward t o episode 6 and the conclusion of Season Three, we’re left with many more question s than w e have answers.
The hunt for Caudecus Beetlestone began w hen I received an invitation from Queen Jenn ah to join her in the Upper City of Divinity’s Reach. Before setting o ff , I checked in with Taimi t o see if she’s heard from Braham, his stinging r emarks in Bit terfrost Frontier still fresh i n my mind. It seems R ox was able to talk some sen se into him which
is a relief. He’s formed an “exploratory commit tee” of sorts and i s headed towards Jormag. Knowing that he isn’t heading to face the Dragon alone is some relief; that h e’s calling his grou p “Destiny’s Edge” though doesn ’t seem like he’s thinking c learly yet. Taimi’s worried about losing him to the Dragon and is determined to fi nish her Dragon minion resea rch to con fi rm a “brilliant idea” she’s had to deal with the next primeval for ce o n our list. Jennah’s praise on welcoming me was fl attering but a lso felt unwar ranted given the mess our fl edgling gu ild is in. I’m not feeling like much of a leader having gotten a piece
of Jory’s mind after we saved A urene and borne the brunt o f Braham’s peevishness about not h onoring Eir. The qu een, on the other hand, seems to deal with her challenges with ease and grace. She disagree d though and said she envies my ability to “smash things” that stand in my way. I guess someone else’s gr ass reall y does look greener. Needing my h elp to smash through something else for her, she con fi d ed that she expected a White Mantle attack on the city a t any moment. Her plan: to su spend the Ministry until the White Mantle’s threat an d i n fl uence could be eradicated . To do th is, sh e gathered the Ministers together in the Upper City hoping to bait

A Meeting of


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the Mantle into revealing themselves; my presence was meant to r eassure the Ministers, but w hat I really did was some informat ion gathering, hopin g to fi nd evidence of their contin ued interference and give the queen a public rationale fo r her actions. Many Ministers with connections t o Caud ecu s and the W hite Mantle were present, including Min ister Arton whom Caudecus had se t up to look like the mastermin d behind the loss of Falcon Company, an elite Ser aph squad that a c h i l d hood friend , Deborah, had been a part of and which was taken out by centaurs. Arton doesn’t know that Caudecus was actua lly behind this. Minister and Lad y Wi were also present, tho ugh many of their friends now sa w them a s tra itorous as their daughter Va lette, since word reached the Reach that she was in league with Caudecus and had helped him escap e when Lazarus reappeared. T o my surprise, Minister Estelle, whom Kasmeer and I h ad exposed a s trying to blacken the queen’s nam e b y saying she was in league with Sc arlet Briar, was also present. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, after all. The guests were unnerved b y the presence of so many Shin in g Blade and Ministry Guar ds which makes sense w hen you’ve got a mix of people with something t o hide and those w ho get jumpy at the show of force. A fter
dealing with an asura gate golem malfunction, I found a transmitter tha t resembled the communicator Taimi had given me. With Taimi’s help, I used my communicator to ping and locate several other of these suspiciou s listening bugs guarded by Security Sparks, and reported back to the queen. The Man tle were eavesdropping and i t was tim e for Jennah to make her move. During the queen ’s speech annou ncing the Ministry’s suspen sion, the city was suddenly attacke d by the White Mantle! Jade Cannons fi red bloodstone
projectiles fr om outside the city, attempting to br ea ch its walls. Meanwhile , from within the city, White Mantle mesmers began porting in Mantle troops including Jade Constructs and, with the assistance of many tra itor Ministers, they began attacking the Shining Blade, citizens, the qu een and me. Our monarch is a gifted and powerful mesmer herself so she easily c onju red a barrier dome to prot ec t the city. Inside, I protec ted the queen (not that she needs much protection) as sh e set up defensive barriers at th e east and west entries to the Chamber o f Ministers. We fought o ff many White Mantle soldiers, making our way to the throne room so Queen Jennah could construct her fi nal barrier. As we reached the throne room door, the White Mantle’s assa ssin fi nally showed herself: Minister Est elle, to n o one’s surprise. Tasked with the “honor” of regicide, Estell e found herself slain by m e, th e queen, and Seraph Captain Logan Thackeray, limping his way into battl e, still visibly recovering from his d etention in Mordremoth’s blighting pod. The queen ’s battle prowess is impressive and I’d be proud to have her join Dragon’s Watch shoul d she ever give up her royal seat. For the time being, however,
She confided in me that she expected a White Mantle attack on the city at any moment.
we turned our atten tion t o Lake Doric, now besieged by White Mantle forces. I t seems Logan wasted n o time in rallying the Seraph before making his way to th e Upp er City to assist the queen. He’d seen t o the setup of a command post and instructe d me to speak to a Lieutenant Fores to gain access to Lake Doric; the citizens there needed help. Once there, I rendezvoused with Logan a t the Seraph command post in D oric’s Landing. He introduced me to Legi o nnaire N ylia Steelpaw , a charr bent on protecting the a lliance humans and charr have worked so hard to forge , no thanks to Caudecus and his campaigns to stir up the Separatists a nd their discord, built on the lies h e fed them. With charr support , we turned to the three areas Logan needed sco uting in order to help the Seraph ’s mounting forces to defeat and drive the W hite Mantle back: Harvest Ca scades to the north; Saidra’s Haven to the east and New Loamhurst to the south. He also wanted to know how Seraph su pplies and ally forces were looking a t Lakeside Bazaar. Since spies had in fi ltrated their ranks, h e needed someone he could trust and asked me to take on the job. Before setting o ut,
I spoke with Shining Blade Exemplar Caulden wh o told me about a new sigil Blade resear chers had developed to help imbue wielders with the power of the mursaa t and channel Spectr al Agony ourselves whenever we fi nd ourselves near death. On that hap py note, I headed over to New Loamhurst to see h ow the small fi shin g village was fa ring. T her e was signi fi cant dam age and incursions by the Man tle, but the Seraph and its a llies continu ed to force them ou t. In Lakeside Bazaar, I met u p with an old acquaintance of Lord Faren’s: the hig h-end paper maker Cin Fu rsurai. H i s testimony helped bring Minister Julius Zamon to justice for his m any heino us crimes against the citizens of Divinity’s R each. Caudecus presided over the trial and, naturally, made sure t o recommend to Zamon that he ask for a trial by combat, ensuring that Caudecus’ role in Zamon’s crim es would remain hidden from pu blic scrutiny. Cin was as feisty and demanding as ever and seemed t o h ave the challenging job of keeping the Seraph supplied in hand. Th e locals seemed to be jumpin g at shadows, accusing any neighbor of being in league with th e Mantle, thou gh. Saidra’s Haven, like New

Eyes on Lake Do


We turned o u r attention to Lake Doric, now besieged b y White Mantle forces.
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Loamhurst, was dealing with incursions from the Whi te Mantle. These were stronger in number and power since they had a Justic iar named Agatha apparently leading forces from an entrench ed stronghold at Fort Evennia. Noting this, I head north to Harvest Cascades in search o f refugees and found instead a heavily forti fi ed house that t h e Mantle have taken an inter est in, a ttacking it periodica lly as well. Just as I was abou t to return to Logan to report, Tai mi checked in to shar e that her Dragon research was a success. Her “brilli ant idea” to pit Jormag and Primordus against one another appears to b e viable and the impulsive burgeonin g genius is having the heart of O madd’s Machin e transported to R ata Novus. She believ es that b y using it to study the Eternal Alchemy, she’ll be abl e to manipulate the Dragons’ energies and pit them against one another . As Trahearne w ould say, I have a bad feeling about this. Reporting back to Logan, we
decided the n ext course of action was t o in fi ltrate Fort Evennia and try to sabotage their operations there.
Heading northeast towar ds the fort, I met up with the Shining Blade agent Logan sent me to and found her injured by some Jade Constructs. These were wreaking periodic havoc on the surroun ding area and I had to act fast. The a gent told me the White Man tle had taken Fort Evennia in a surprise atta ck while she was freeing Seraph prisoners. She’d taken a hit from a Jade Bow and was recovering, so she cloaked and disguised me a s a White Mantle m age so I could in fi ltrate and fi nish her mission: steal some battl e
plans, free some Seraph prisoners, and poison the Mantle’s food supply. I h ave no problem dealing with the Mantle this way; they sent agents to atta ck me in Divinity’s Reach when I w as still in training and it was then that I learned my parents were members of the Shining Blade who’d been murder ed by the White Man tle. They d o not deserve my pity. The raid complete, I reported back to the agent and then headed to Logan to report our progress. The Seraph’s mission to oust the White M an tle from the region was well in hand. Before going after Caudecus, Logan wanted to strengthen that hold and break the Mantle’s siege for good. Seeing this as another opportunity to “smash things, I volunteered to h elp the cause and deal the Whit e Mantle another blow. It w as while roaming near New Loamhurst that I came upon a vicious Jade Construct calle d Cairn the Queenslayer, wh o resembled another construct I defeated with m y squad in the Bastion of the Penitent, the prison where the mursaa t held Saul D ’Alessio. The Mantle’s ability t o produce such bloodthirsty allies is worrisome. Neverthel ess, we turned th e tide i n Lake
The next course of action was t o i n fi ltrate Fort Evenni a and try to sabotage thei r operations there .




Breaking the Siege

RECAP - The Cost of Saving Tyria | GUILDMAG #19
Doric and Logan left his subordinates in char ge of the operation there. Q ueen Jennah had summoned us to the palace so we returned to Divinity’s Reach to regroup with her.
In the throne room, w e reported o ur success in Lake Doric and strat egized with Countess A nise and the queen... it was time to take Cau decus out. A nise reported that she’d d eployed Canach and a detachment of Shinin g Blade to Caudecus’ Manor. An ise was anxious to get to the manor and put an end t o Caudecus and also to make sure Canach ful fi lled his contract to her. Queen Jennah, ever astute and cunning, then ann ounced sh e had the perfect person ready to help our cau se: Demmi Beetlestone, Cau decus’ daughter. As fellow Order of Whispers agents, Tyba lt and I had help ed get Demmi out of Kryta with the help of her godmother, Lady Wi. Demmi knew a bac k way into the manor and suspected that he’d ret reated to the house to unleash his “contingency
plan.” Reluctantly, Anise agreed to hav e Demmi collabor ate with us on this mission, but Queen Jen nah had other ideas and ordered Anise not to leave Divinity’s Reach (though sh e kn ew Anise would anyw ay). In th e meantime, Logan would
regroup with the Seraph and make sure no one slipped out of the house from th e front. Before w e set o ff , I approache d Logan to see if he wanted to join R ytlock and me in Dragon’s Watch. Surprisingly, he declined saying that G eneral Soulkeeper had aske d him t o become the n ew Pact Marshall. Being unable to joi n on the fr ontlines in L ake Dori c and the queen’s seeming reticence towar ds him seem to have helped him make up his mind about accepting the position. I accessed Beetlestone Manor from its Hidden Falls Dock area and met up with Demmi. It was strange to retur n to the property a fter my previous adventures there. Just l ike last time, Caudecus had some surprise guards on h an d to greet us, this time in th e form of Jade Bows, White Mantle, and bandits; always fun. We
were also met by Coun tess Anise, w ho claimed she couldn’t trust Canach to let Caudecus get away a gain; i t seems she’d really lost touch with Canach’ s squad h ours before. After fi ghting our way past Cau decus’ defenses, w e ran into Canach w ho’d been biding his time in a c rate. Demmi fo ught well despite dealing with her ow n feelings about facing her father and her friend, Lady V alette W i, whom she wanted to try and talk round. We foun d Caudecus in his library ready to d o battle and with Valett e at his side. He maliciously t aunted Dem mi, telling her he’d mu rdered her mother and that Valette was

Regrouping with the


Confessor’s En


It was while roaming near New Loamhurst that I came across a vicious Jade Construct called Cairn the Queenslayer, who resembled anothe r construct I defeated with my squad in Bastion of t h e Penitent .
his true daughter n ow. We weakened him enough to sen d him into his private hiding hole, but n ot before he’d mortally wounded Demmi. This act fi na lly opened Valette’s eyes to Caudecus’ viciousness, and she d ecided to lead u s to his hiding place i n an attempt t o make amend s. After answering riddles to get past his security measures, w e faced him again, now bloated and crazed from con suming bloodstone shard s. This wasn’t enough to p rotect him from our wrath thou gh. After dealing th e fi nal b low to Caudecus, w e headed out to Demmi and Logan just before sh e passed. Canach wasted no time in severing h i s ties to An ise and the Shining Blade now that his contract was completed, leaving Anise with a free spot on her payroll. Valette’s now fi lling that role and I wish h er well, especially after she h elped us defeat Caudecus and gave us information to check his study. Ther e we learned from Caudecus’ older journal entries that Lazarus - our would-be ally and supp osed mursaat - is nothing less than a n impostor! Lazarus, having learned the hard way not to use living vessels to hide himself in, apparently re-split himself into ar tifacts - inanimate objects - to protect himself. Xera foun d four of these new aspec ts but Caudecus repl aced one of these with a fake. W ho on Tyria did she resurrect then? And where did Caudecus hide the aspect he stole from Xer a? 32 GUILDMAG #19 | RECAP - The Cost of Saving Tyria
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While we were o ff ensuring Caudecus’ demise, Taimi was still hard at work trying to fi nd a way to put a n end to th e threat of the Elder Dragons. We didn’t have much time to digest that Lazarus wa s an imposter when Taimi contacted me to say she’d fi nished her dragon machine. Adventure and time wait for n o one and we were o ff to Rata Novus again to see what surprises the a sur an progeny had for us. Upon arriving, Kasmeer suddenly mater ialized through a mesmer porta l! She was slightly u ps e t t ha t I hadn’t ha d time to send her a n invitation
t o Dragon’s Watch, but agree d to join the guild n onetheless. She seemed to be taking Marjory’s pursuit of “Lazarus” in her stride, though I cou ld tell she was a bit worried that she hadn’t heard from Marjor y recently. A s we made our wa y down to Taimi’s lab, we found her surrounded b y Phlunt a n d his fl unkies who, yet again, were threatening to steal her research. After we helped Taimi regain c ontr ol of her lab, she had a chance to show o ff and explain her machine. Marjory suddenly appeare d with “Lazarus” hot on her heels. With news that he now had a band of mercenaries in his employ and a base on the Fire Islands to disguise the assault o n the Elder Dragons
he planned, we’d h ave to act fast to force him to reveal his true identity. Once Marjory shared that “Laza rus” kept a mirror by his side, Kasmeer came up with a plan to use some of the mirrors Taimi set up in her lab to h elp run her machine, Kasm eer proposed she enchant them to re fl ect “Lazarus” back ont o himself and his mirror, thereby breaking the spell. W hile I collected the mirrors, Kasmee r and Marjory had a chance to catch up and work through Marjory’s disappearance and lack of communication. With mirrors and relationship s sorted, Phlu nt reappeared to tell us the asura ga te leading into the lab was no longer working. It had to be “Lazarus”! Danger was sur e to follow, so we evacuated Phlunt an d h is krewe. W e reluctantly persuaded him to take cover in the secret Dragon Lab just in tim e to square o ff w ith the impostor. After exchanging ten se pleasantries and agr eeing to show him the dragon machin e in order to tr ick him into Kasmeer’s enchanted mirrors , he broke free of the restraint and ordered his mercenaries to attack us! Havi ng dealt

Taimi’s Pet Project

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with his la ckeys, we lured him back into the crosshai rs of Kasmeer’s mir rors a nd fi nally shat tered his illusion! “Lazarus” was none other than Balthazar, one of the Six human gods! Upon learning this, Kasmeer froze i n shock, leaving Balthazar a window of time large enough to both injure Marjory and take o ff with Taim i’s machine. L eavi n g be hi nd hi s merc en ary army t o cover his esc ape, we were forced to fi ght th eir numbers, unable to pursu e the human god. With Mar jory incapac itated and Kasmeer unable to face the prospect of fi ghting one of h er b eloved Six, w e had t o act quickly to recover Taimi’s ma chi ne. We’d be u p against one of the gods; there wasn’t a momen t to lose. Luckily, Taimi had placed a tracker on her machine just in case Phlunt tried to steal it. We’d use that to track Balthazar while Taimi headed back to her simulatio n room to test out a new theory she had . Boarding a submar ine from the Rata Sum docks, we made our way to the R ing of Fire Islands and Draconis Mons, a ca vern at the ba se of a volcano with boiling water all around and a n interesting biome. Upon ar rival, Fi rst Mate Bilge fi re and Scientist Viraddi c on fi rmed that the machine, and presumably Balthazar, were her e. Yet when we tried to examine the tracking machine, Viraddi and
the machine were su ddenly pulled underground by a vine ! Then, I heard a voice on th e wind telling me that Viraddi was safe. I couldn’t tell where the voice came from, but I had to fi nd Viraddi. Leaving Bilge fi re on shore to secure
the beach, I headed into the cavern led by the mysterious voice. Eventually, I found Vir addi near some rocks. He was shaken but otherwise ok. The tracker, on the other han d,
was irreparably dama ged, explodin g when I went to check to see if it still worked. J ust whe n I thought I’d have t o tra ck Balthaza r by following his fi re trail, an ancient nature spirit appeared! It was the owner of the mysterious voic e I’d heard e a rlie r: a dr ui d spirit , I lat er learned, c aretakers of the land. The druid urged us to leave th is place and take our “god being” Baltha zar wit h us , c l aimin g t h a t we wer e intruding on one of nature’s purest gardens. Nevertheless , the druid told us Ba lthazar was i n the apex o f the volcano , far above the clouds. I had to hurry. Fighting my way furth er up the cavern, I found mor e of Baltha zar’s mercenar ies and a base complete with a bloodston e crazed wurm. It seems that though Balthazar had no desire to continu e the White Mantle’s cultish pursuits, he’d de fi nitely made use of their brawn and th eir knowled ge o f harvesting
bloodstone fragments. Was he using these to increase his power even further? Nea r the apex of the volcano, not far from the mercenar ies’ base, I met another nature spirit who said Balthazar had entered the core of th e
We made our way to the Ring of Fire Islands and Draconis Mons, a cavern at the base o f a volcano with boiling water all around and an interesting biome.




In Pursuit of a God

volcano. There was no way I could follow him w ithout some sort of pr otection against the volcano’s heat. Fortunately, the spirit told me of four of its kind tha t had been trapped by a n asura named Zinn long ago . If I freed them they would grant me their protection to ward me against fi re. It seemed thi s was my o nly option since the d ruid w anted u s all gone f r o m its garden.
With th e hint to free spirits from asuran vault s, I began exploring the area . In the process, I fo und an antique golem named M.O.X. created by Z inn. Alon g with another golem, Z.O.X., I learned that the golem s were the only survivors of a battle and that their progr amming to ca re for living creatures meant they’d nurtured the area’s spider s, whom they called “webbies.” M.O.X. asked me t o help it and, in return, it would help me. W e struck a bargain and M.O.X. instructed me to fi nd the key gem to Zinn’s fi rst vaul t inside one of the spiders. Afte r killing the right one, M.O.X. se t the access code on the key gem and dir ected me t o Zin n’s vault atop a tree root, as well as informing me where th e remaining vaults were located : one near the apex, one near the Boiling Sea, and o ne that
had been breached by Inquest - a sign we weren’t th e only ones who knew Zinn had been interested in Dracon is Mons. I invited M.O.X. to r eturn to civilization with me after I’d dealt with Balthazar and, if I didn’t kn ow any better, I’d say the golem was happy to have a “new user,” as it called me. With M.O.X.’s dir ections and access in hand, I set off to find and free the druids. Afte r freeing th e first one, Taimi cut in on th e communicator saying that my temper ature readings were fluctuating. She, however, didn’t believe my story about the druid spirits and thought I was suffering from hea t stroke and was delusional. You’d think I lost my sense regularly while adventuring. W ith Taimi promising to send help, I continued searching for the vaults and discovered Zinn ’s second city: Rata Arc anum , now home to the Inquest who are excavating it and trying to salvage Zinn’s secrets. Finding the rest of the druids w as far from straightforward in this inhospitable cavern, but I succeeded in freeing them all and gaining more of their protection. Meanwhile , Taimi ’s simulatio n revea led that  kil ling the Elder Dragons was not a good idea, and that Tyria itself would su ff er greatly. She contacted m e and told m e to plug into the holoprojector near the submarine’s landin g

Elder Druid


I found an antique golem named MO.X. created by Zinn.
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point. I made my way back to the submarine after fr eeing the druids and plugged into Taimi’s simulation. Killi ng the Dragons wou ldn’t just be bad for Tyr ia, i t would destroy it! The on ly way to prevent this from happening now was to stop Balthazar from destroying Pr imordus. To make things that bit more interesting, Ta imi hadn’t installed a way to turn the machine o ff once it was powered on, meaning the only way to stop the machine once on was to overload and destroy it. Could we stop Balthaza r and save Tyria fr om the destruction we’d begun? It was time to fi nd out.
On entering the hear t of the volcano, I discov ered a n energy barrier that blocked the way deeper into the caldera. I o ff ered to describe it to Taimi to see if she ha d any ideas on h ow to get past it, but she surprised me by showin g u p in person, safely ensconced in Scru ff y 2.0! It was time to pursue Balthazar . Taimi lent m e a sc anner she’d modulated to scan the barrier a nd trigger it to release anomalies that could be used to break the barrier. I made it past two barriers b y using anomalies a nd when I was in the middle of disabling the third barrier , Pr imordus roared. Baltha za r had powered on Taimi’s machine. There was n o turning back
now; we either let Balthazar destroy Primordus and Jorma g together, or we stop him by destroying the machine. We had to stop him; it was th e only way to save Tyria. I managed to get past the fi na l barrier and descend d eep into the volcano’s throat. And there, using Taimi’s machine to power himself further with magic, was Baltha za r facing Primordus in his own lair! While channeling magic, Balthazar appear ed to be suspen ded between two rea lms. Taimi and Scru ff y joined us on the pla tform to help m e formulate a plan to stop the God o f War. There was no reason ing with Balthazar. He didn’t care if he destroyed Tyria b y absorbing all the ma gic the two Elder Dragons held; all he cared about was exacting his revenge but on w hom? We didn’t have time for philosophical discussions though, so I tried appealing to his thirst for battle but he chose to remain in the magic
channel while siccing his two hounds on me! With Taimi’s help, we defeated the hounds b y using the scanner to trigge r clusters of m agic from the machine and using th em to corrupt the fi ery canines. A few shots of Dragon magic di d the trick and w e were able to stop the hounds, giving Taimi an opportu nity to overload the machine, seemingly vaporizing Balthazar in the process. This caused the machine to fi re magic back to Primordus which appeared to wou nd the Dragon and put him back in hibernation. Taim i theorized that the same must have hap pened to Jormag as well. She plan s on testing that theory a fter some well- deserved rest. Convincing the rest of our guild to save the Elder Dragons will probably be a hard sell, but hopefully they’ll see it’s a better idea than destroying Tyria. Now all we have to worry about is where Balthazar disappeared to and what he might do to us for foiling h is plan.

HEart of the


LORE - Light My Fi r e | GUILDM AG #19

Light my Fire

ince the release o f Heart of Thorns , a number o f people have mourned the lack of lore relating t o the elite speciali sations. Revenant legends, by nature, come with their own built- in lore, and we’ve received snippets o n some of th e others: dragonhunters, for instance, a re the result of guardians who decided to adopt a more aggressive and almost witch -hunter- esque approach to fi ghting dragons after the rise of Mordr emoth, and the similarity of the nam e “scrapper” to a dow ntrodden scavenger c aste among the
charr was n o coincidenc e. However, informa tion on the origins o f most of the elite specialisations rem ains noticeably missing. With this being the case, I thought it cou ld be an interesting exer cise t o look at the fea tures of eli te specialisations, the aesthetic s of the equipment associated with them, and compare that with the broader lore of Tyria to see if w e can deduce some answers. Ho w do they fi t within the wo rld of Tyria ? How could they have arisen? Let’s start with the berserker.
Where might the berserker have come fro m?
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Channellin g rage and anger has always been a part of the warrior ’s theme: Guild Wars gave us skills like Battle Rage, Berserker Stance and Frenzy in the initial release, with mor e anger-themed skills t o follow in later releases. Whi lst it i s also possible to make warrior s with a mor e disciplined, tac tical theme, it has always been the profession to go to if you want a character oriented towards going crazy and smashing thin gs. The berserker elite spec ialisation epitomises this. The prima ry distinction between the regular warrior a nd the berserker is that you have the choice of replacing the default adrenaline-t hemed “burst skills” w ith entering a fi ery rage for a short period - and in the ca se of the berserker, the meta phor becomes l iteral. Somehow, the berserker’s rage appears to infuse them with elemental power, granting the ability to unleash a fl urry of fi reballs or
to summon a rock ou t of th e earth in order to shatter it with a punch. So how did a p rofession that had a healing cant rip derived from the popularity of Mend ing Touch among warriors in Guild Wars , but which otherwise has little overt skill in m agic, become something that channels anger so hot that it lit erally burns? Well, let’s start by looking a t their aesthetics. Like ea ch of the elite special isations, berserkers have three pieces of equipment associated with th em: an armour piece (a helm, in this ca se), an ascended torch, and an exotic torch you get for free by unlocking the specialisation, which is e ff ectively a kind of precursor to the ascended form. Can we get any hints at where the berser ker comes from through the look of their equipmen t?
The berserker’s headgear a skull-helmet with protrudin g spikes is quite reminiscent of Conan the Barbarian. O f the various playable races, th e race whose theme is closest t o tha t aesthetic seems to be th e norn, so it seems likely that the berserker helm is of norn design. The Wild Aband on torch also appears to follow norn design elements: while the lion is a n un usual artistic element among the norn, Wolf and Bear are the p rimar y spirits rev ered by their warrior s. Continuing the n orn theme, we also have the anima tion for W ild Blow, which show s an image of a lunging bear over the user, suggesting a connection betw een the skill and the Spirits of the Wild , and/or ranger skills that invoke animals, such as Mau l. So it seems likely that berserker tea chings have a t least passed throu gh norn
LORE - Light My Fi r e | GUILDM AG #19
society before r eaching the other races; but where did th e fi re come from? While it woul d be wrong to say that fi re has no signi fi cance in n o r n cultur e (the invoking of the Spirit of Bear prior to the Blood Washes Blood mission in E ye of the North , for insta nc e, involves lighting, stoking, and protecting a sacred fl a me), there is little reason t o think that norn warriors would be inspired to develop a fi ghting style based aroun d fi re. So w ho w ould? One possibility would be human followe r s of Balthazar . Since the patron of war riors among the human pantheon is also the God of Fire, it would be natural for a d evout follower of Balthaza r to want to emulate his or her god and wield fi re in turn. In fa ct, this was a style that was quite possible in Guild Wars by taking a warrior with an elementalist secondary: a popular combination in the days before PvE skills. While this combination appeared to take a more scholarly approach towards fi re m agic, i t is possible that this was re fi ned (or possibly more a ccurately, made more u nre fi ned) in the years between the games in order to become a better fi t with warrior tactics, mindset, a nd training. However, i f the specialisation was developed by humans, this raises the question: Why doesn’t the profession have
more of a human aesth etic? One answer is that it does have a human aesthetic… or, rather, a Balthazar aesthetic. Spiked skull-helmets a re not generally associated with humans; instead, follow ing Queen Salma’s decree at th e end of War in Kryta, Seraph armourers prefer to use winged motifs in honou r o f Dwayna. Spikes and skulls are, however, common motifs in depictions of Balthaza r, so it would b e fi tting for his worshippers to adopt them as well. The lion’s h ead o n Wild A bandon c o ul d then be a reference to Lion’s Arch .
However, the wolf and b ear would not be intuitively associated with Baltha zar. While wolves are rela ted to hounds, the wolf head on Wil d Abandon is very clearly that of a wolf and not a Hou nd of Balthazar. Among the human pantheon, ani mals such as wolves and bears would be associated with the harmony- seeking Melandru and n ot competitiv e Balthaza r, so their inclusion is curious. The y are, however, important norn anima l spiri ts a s mentioned above. So this might be where the norn connection comes in.
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Followers of Ba lthazar have shown a rather norn- like attitude of wantin g to test themselves against powerful foes. K ahmu, the dervish her o from Eye of the North , may be an example of this (he is not speci fi cally identi fi ed as a follower o f Balthazar, but he does use Avatar of Balthazar in the tournament), havin g earned enough respect amon g the norn to be regarded b y some as a norn in the wrong body. It’s possible that, at some time a fter Eye of t he North , berserker follower(s) of Balthazar arr ived at one of their tournaments and made en ough of a name fo r themselves t o entice some o f the locals to w ant to b e taugh t in the berserker tradition. Since then, the norn could have taken over development of the specialisation, droppin g the outright Balthazar-esque elements of th e berserker apparel for aesthetic aspects more suited to their own culture, while keeping th e lion in honour of the original teacher’s place of origin. Meanwhile, i t’s possibl e that
the human practitioners of the specialisation within Kryta were wiped out in the fl ooding o f Lion’s Arch*, leaving the norn stu dents to choose their direc tion from there, while future holy warriors of Balthazar seeking to incorporate fi re into their attacks may have been drawn to the new guardian
profession instead. There is, however, an alternative. In a ddition to followers of Balthazar, there is another group with an u nhealt h y obsession with fi re . The Prophecies Manuscripts tell u s tha t the charr as a whole worship fi re, and three of the four legions are either named aft er fi re or something that is produced by fi re. While th e Iron Legion is more concerned with its prac tical applications, it is the Flame Legion that takes this obsession t o extremes, including combining fi re magic with physical attacks in the cases of their archers and melee troops. We see this in particular in Eye of the North where several charr warriors and ranger s augment their
ArenaNet’s explanation for why more exotic professions such as the ritualist and dervish disappeared from the continent of Tyria - apart from a few surviving technique s - is that the ma jority of the m asters of those professions on the continent lived in Lion’s Arch and were killed in th e fl ood (see http://www.wart TTLS-Klassen.mp3 , from 25:00 to 29:30.) I t stands to reason that some fi ghting styles that developed betwee n the time of Guild Wars and the fl ooding of Lion’s Arch might have perished the same way.
LORE - Light My Fi r e | GUILDM AG #19
atta cks with Conjure Fla me, while Flame Legion archers augment their a rrows with fi re-based prepara tions across both games. Presently, of course, the Flam e Legion are hostile to all th e playable factions however, this wasn’t always the c ase. Prior to the rebellion against the Flame Legion shama ns, the informal détente between the norn and the charr applied t o all charr, including the Flame Legion . As a result, it’s possible that during this time, some norn learned the trick of combining fi re magic with warrior techniques from Flame Legion soldiers. After the overthrow of the Flame Legion, this tec hnique may have been deliberately abandoned by the non - Flame charr (if they had ever developed them in the fi r st place), lea ving it to the nor n to preserve the tradit ion which eventually transferred to other playable ra ces in the present day. Such a history wo uld explain wh y the aesthetics ar e pr imari ly norn-like in appearance the part that doesn’t fi t (the lion head on Wild A ban don) might be a remnant of what was originally an hom age to the Flame Legion charr that originally develo ped the berserker fi ghting style. So, this gives us two possible sources for th e berserker elite speciali sation both, essentially, being descendant s of warrior/elementalists from Guild Wars. One is that
the combination of warrior training with fi re magic starte d among human followers of Balthazar in imitation of their god, and transferred to the norn through the participatio n of those Balthazar- followers in norn tournaments. The other is t h a t the specialisatio n is a holdover from times when the norn main tain ed good (or at least occasionally peaceful) relations with the Flam e Legion, giving som e norn the opportunity t o learn the skills from F lame Legion sparr ing par tners. Either way, the norn app ear to have given the tradit ion their own uniqu e stamp as it passed d own throu gh th e years until, eventually, thi s mode of fi ghting was p assed on to the Pact and ultimately made av ailable to war riors of all of the playable rac es… without the stigmas that may have arisen from the ultimate origin of the specialisation.
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Tell u s a little about yourself. For those who don’t know: Who are you and what do you do? So I’m that_shaman, a 30-year-old old guy. Most people in the game might know me from either data mining posts, maps, or YouTube videos. I’ve been doing this for quite a while now (way before G uild Wars 2 launched) and try to cover almost every patch that goes live. That’s interesting, and we’ll b e comin g back to your data mining in a minute, but before we go on, I have to know : Where does your name come from? Perhaps it’s just me, but I’ve been curious about your n ame s ince I heard it. Call me weird, but it is rather intriguin g! Ah yes, the name comes from the fi rst Guild Wars 2 beta weekend. Du rin g this event there was a speci fi c Flame Legion Shaman that was broken beyond belief. Basically h e would wipe new players that just logged in to the gam e over and over; he became known as “that shaman” in map chat. When I decided to create a reddit account in order to post I decided to use that name, and it stuck. Ah, I love that there’s an amusin g s tory behind it! So to get back to data mining, I
would like to uncover your “origin story” i n a way. What brought you to the world of data minin g? Curiosity really. I’ve been messin g aroun d in game fi les for years and years trying to fi gure out how things work and i f there are any secrets in these fi les. During the fi rst Guild Wars game, I mainly focused on c reating ma ps and n ot much else. When I saw th e tools that were developed for Guild Wars 2 on the Xentax forum, I spent a lot of time messing around in the fi les, but I wasn’t actively mining or wr iting my own tools. I just stuck with piecing together maps at fi rst, just like I did with the fi rst game. Somewhere around the release of Southsun Cove I decided to take a closer look at the other things that were added to the game. From that point on I started working on some custom tools and released a few as o pen source projects. I also started d oing my b i- weekly data mining posts, although at the time there were 2 posts, on e for strings and another for chat-codes. I later combined these into one, and the format stuck.



BY VIAN DE B OD What’s it like being Guild Wars 2’s most renowned data miner? For this issue of GuildMag, I had the chance to sit down with that_sh aman to learn more about his data mining h obby and how it all came about. K eep reading to discover everything worth knowing about th e man beh in d the name.
COMMUNITY - An In terview With tha t_shama n | GUILDM AG #19
Wow, so it was a pretty organic process. Do you enjoy what you do ? Is it a h obby or do you see it as something more? It’s de fi nitely my hobby! Basically it’s an excuse for m e to learn n ew things u sing one of my favourite games. I genera lly love doing the things I d o but, like all hobbies, there are days when you don’t have the motivation to w rite another post. But that’s what I’ve signed u p for. I also have no intention to make a living out of this; currently this hobby is costing me quite a bit of money (hosting, software, etc.), but I refuse to run ads on my site or accept donations (if you do see ads, that happens because I’m usin g u nlicensed music). There are several reasons why I don’t like to run ads but mostly it’s bec ause I’m posting previews o f content that isn’t mine and I just w an t to keep it a no-strings-attached hobby. Ah, some would cal l that very n oble of you and I admire your ethic. You say it’s a hobby, but surely it must take more of your time than more conventional hobbies? For those of us who don’t really know all the technical aspects of what you do, how much e ff ort goes in to your work? It depends on th e kin d of p ost, bu t I sched ule things in advance. For exa mple, m y friends and family know I’ve reserved Tuesday around patch time to do “that_shaman stu ff ”. But to give you some numbers: A patch-time data-mining post can take 30 minutes up to 3 hours. An outfi t video will take about 12 h ours. An armour video can easily take up to 24 hours.

A patch-time

data-mining post


take 30 minutes up to 3 hours.

• • •
I also like to spread things out a bit . If I posted everything at once there would be h uge gaps between posts and I would probably h ave a mental meltdown!
I really admire your determination, and I’m sure our readers do too. Now I’d like to get to the more controversial side o f your hobby, if you don’t mind. Do you feel like you get judged b y others wi thin th e community for your hobby? Do you thin k it’s mos tly a positive o r negative response? Mostly it’s positive, but of course there are a lot o f people who really loathe data miners. I always try to be reasonable by having some self-imposed rules like no story spoilers, no spoilers in titles, don’t spoil mechanics, etc. With all these in place it’s really easy to avoid my posts although you’ll always have people who will start shouting sp oiler chat-codes in map chat. I also understand it if employees of ArenaNet get a bit fed up with me from time to time, because I’m posting their work w ith out
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permission. But mostly people (inclu ding myself) see it as a sneak preview, something to speculate about, something to get hy ped about. I would imagine that it co uld cause some discomfort on ArenaN et’s s ide. Speakin g of reactions to your work, let’s talk abou t consequences. Have you ever fac ed repercussions for your activities? Have you ever gotten in trouble or have you ever faced backlash because of it? Never, to be honest. Of course, they can’t condone what I do, b ut a s long a s I d on’t do anything crazy (like spoil an entire living story chapter in advance), they won’t take action against these kind of posts. And the worst backlash I had from the community w as when I posted so me of the revenant legends that weren’t revealed yet. At that time a lot of YouTube videos and articles popped up about how “data miners” ruined the game for everybody without mention in g my name. Ah, yes, I do remember that. Unfortunately, it can b e hard to predict the reaction of any community, but let’s move on shall we? Let’s get a little philosophical. In your opin ion, how does data mining a ff ect the Guild Wars 2 community or the community of any MMORPG as a wh ole? Personally, I think the data mining posts have a positive influence on the commun ity.


















and discussion going.

It keeps speculation and discussion going. It also takes away the feeling most of the infamous fi xed a server crash” patches have that there’s noth ing new coming for th e next few weeks. It’s an indication that there’s more coming “soon”. It’s something that player s can look forward to. I wholly agree. For many players, havi ng some news can b e very important. Speaking of the commu nity (and by extensio n the game itself) what about Guild Wars 2 h as made you so invested, and kept you invested enough to become the famous that_shaman in the community? It will sound cheesy, but the community itself. The majority of the people I’ve met through this game are friendly and fun. So being able to do the things I like to do with them as an audience is very rewa rding. I can totally understand that! I often fi nd myself logging in j ust to spend s ome time with the friends I’ve made in the community. Speaking of which, how lon g have you
COMMUNITY - An In terview With tha t_shama n | GUILDM AG #19
been a part of the Guild Wars / Guild Wars 2 community? A very long time. I’ve been playing since the last Guild Wars 1 beta weekend (Ap ril 2005). I took a short break between E ye of the Nort h and Guild Wars 2 ’s beta. So I’ve been a ctive for almost 12 years no w! Incredible! You must be one of the last true “veterans” out there! In all your time playing this franchis e, you mu st h ave had quite a few memorable experiences. What has been your most memorable moment playing the game so far? There are so many moments to choose from, but the launch of each new expansion pack (be it Gu ild Wars 1 or 2 ) and the beta weekends leading up to it have always been special to me. When the entire community doesn’t know how things work or w hat t o expect; then everything is still n ew! I have to agree with yo u there. I fi nd that the excitement of discovering all the th ings in a new expansio n can be quite amazin g. Shaman, you’ve been great so far and I really appreciate your time spent here. Before we wrap this up, I d o have one last question for you. If you coul d tell the community at l arge or ArenaNet one thing on behalf of yourself and other data miners, what would you say?
Something a lot of people tend t o forget: It’s just a game, go have fun and be nice to each other! A very important point that I think can never be repeated too many times. I want to thank you for your time and I look forward to seeing more from you in the future! Thank yo u as well! You can find that_ shaman on his blog:
46 GUILDMAG #19 | COMMUNITY - Guild Sp o t light
ow does a podcast evolve into a worldwide guild with 390 members? Focus o n fun, invest in the peop le in the guild, and commit to spendin g time with them. That’s been the magic recipe for Relics of Orr, a guild originally created by a group of friends, while playing the original Guild Wars , as a friends and family guild. The former leader dec ided to create a podcast (na med after the guild, Relics of Orr)
and open th e guild u p to the listenership o f the podcast and to the wider community. Since then, th e original founders have moved on fro m the Guild Wars franchise but, as current guild leader Spirit tells us, t h ose of us who w e r e still interested in playing GW2 stepped u p and took over o ffi cership and leadershi p roles to keep it going because we loved the guild and the people involved. We’re all still in touch too. Many of us have made lifelong friends in the
guild and allied guil ds that now span multiple games.” As a primarily soci al guild, guild o ffi cer Christian says that “Relics of Orr is an open and inviting place for a divers e group of people to share their experience of playing, prima rily, Guild Wars 2 and other online games together .” The guild has an uno ffi c ial motto - “Life is but a d ream” - that r e fl ects their desire not t o take themselves too seriously . This approach ser ves

Guild Spotlight

Relics of Orr

COMMUNITY - Guild Spo t light | GUILDMAG #9 9
Relic s of Orr [RO] Leader: Spiritface.5089 Server:  Northern Shiverpeaks (NA) Size: 390+ members Preferred game mode: PvE In-game contacts: Spiritface.5089; Csquirrelrun.310 8; Shon gaq u.5279; Vrabin.2875 Quirk: We have a lot of coup les. Not on purpose, it just h ap pened. R ough ly speaking, we have at least 15 active couples, meaning aroun d 30 of our 50 most active players are partner ed with someo ne else in the guild www.relicso for
them well. As guild o ffi cer Shongaq u puts it, “Relics of Orr has always strived to be an open community of gamers with a podcast on the side.” Their podcast recently celebrated its 2 00th episode, and their laid back and fun style contin ues to draw in new gu ild members who end up inquiring about joining the guild after listening to one of their episodes. And while Spirit shares that RO doesn’t actively recruit, longt ime guild member Jebbers c ategorizes
recruiting a s “doing anything at all.” He clari fi es that they’v e found great players who were doing the same stu ff as us (LFG Fractals, meta- events, LFG dun geons, guild missions, etc.).” Their model is simple: have fun and don’t hide this fact. When you pla y with somebody new,” Jebbers adds, “it’s a great experience to see what they d o an d how they respond to what you do. People have asked to join afte r seeing ho w well us guildies work together and have fun
while doing it.” RO’s only requirement is that you b e age 16+ to join their guild. Spirit says R O welcomes all types of people, having a fair amount of quite outgoing members and a decent amount of very shy ones, as well as players who log in daily, and players who log in only for b ig patch es.” Regardless of how vocal or active in-game a person is, RO members of all stripes are welcome to participate in any
48 GUILDMAG #19 | COMMUNITY - Guild Sp o t light
of the guild’s events including but not limited to: weekly activities like guild missions, minigames like Asur aball, a nd even something as simple as checking out new content together or helping gu ildies farm things or achievements they need. Still, Spirit thinks that, in general , “people who are proacti ve about getting involved in a gaming community and getting to know other members of the guild are general ly going to have the best experience with us.” They also a ttract player s by runnin g community events, sometimes organized and o ff ered by Relics of Orr alone and sometimes in partnershi p with other guilds like R ock, Paper, Signet. Some well known events have been “The World v s. Orr,” on which th ey partnered with RPS; “Plants vs . Z ombies,” an all necro minion s Silverwastes event; and a
reprisal of PvZ in the Ma d
King’s Labyrinth. Often, these events begin as req uests. Spirit enthuses, “I really enjoy people coming to me and saying ‘Hey Spirit, I have this cra zy idea, what if we…’ and then going, ‘Well then let’s make it happen!’” Her leadership and har d work are greatly appreciated by the guild’s members, so much so that Christian highlighted the guild’s r ecent collabora tion to surprise Spirit with an in-game Christmas gi ft a s thanks: a Permanent Hair Stylist Contract. Keeping coordination a secret was
tricky, Christian admits, since they also live toget her , but the e ff ort was worth it. “I w as blown away by the resp onse I got and quickly had to work
out ways of dealing with the in-game gold limits. Safe to say, it was a roaring success and Spirit was deeply moved by our combined e ff ort a nd now I’m super jealous of her styling looks!” From goo fi ng around with Slubling tonics one min ute to focusing on th e task at hand the next, RO tries hard to respect the fact that many of its members ar e working adults from timez ones that span the globe. As Spirit put it , “we’ve got one short wind ow to get a s much done a s we can , [so] let’s goooooooooo ooo.” They achieve being e ffi cient and having fun by creating a community culture where people feel comfortable hanging out and chatting, bringing a good sense of humor to the mix. “I really enjoy hopping into a game and seein g/ listening to peopl e chatting, Shongaqu tells us. “We have gotten away from voice chat of late but the text chat keeps o n rolling and it is a lot of fun to both lurk and participate. T his atm o spher e encourages guild member s to collabor ate t og ether in ga mes like Minecraft and Warframe, as well as in Guild Wars 2 . Ea c h
person contributes somethin g di ff erent, Jebbers explains, “whether it’s a dissentin g opinion or whole hearted agreement, o r a simple quiet
Relics of Orr is an open and inviting place for a diverse group of people to share their experience of playing, primarily, 2 and other onlin e games together.
COMMUNITY - Guild Spo t light | GUILDMAG #1 9
observation The p eople I ’ve gotten to play with turned some monotonous tasks (such as Dai ly Fra ctals) into something I’d loo k forward to. You n ever know wh en you’ll be teleported into the ceiling of Thaumanova, then fall to your death. Or w hen you betray a friend by picking up their crystal on Jade Maw (or for you eles, drop ping an Ice Bow right next to one). It’s the people that have kept me playing this gam e for year s, otherwise I would have move d on a long time ago.” Recently, however, R elics of Orr faced a challenge when Heart of Thorns came ou t, bringing along challenging content in the form o f raids. Until the expansion, the guild was “very much built on a premise that we will never judge you for your p referred build or playstyle, Spirit shares, “and because con tent in the game u p until that poin t was pretty easy, we never had issu es getting through it together. We co uld always
bring people along even if the y weren’t experienced or didn’t have a great build.” T hen raids dropped and Frac tals began getting upgrades a s well and, suddenly, “we were facing an issue where w e had a bunch o f people who were really into the ha rder content and another grou p of people who felt they couldn’t participate i n that content due to time c onstr aints, skill or gear required, or whatever reason.” The guild, know n for being pretty uni fi ed, had some decisions to make - split up or fi nd a balance? “It’s taken a lot of work,” Spirit continues, “and I wouldn’t say we’ve been p erfect about it, but by being really proactive about keepin g both raid events and open events going , we’ve managed to crea te a situation that I’m mostly happy with.” Christian ad ds, “We have developed 2- fi xed raid squad s that meet up once a w eek for 3-4 ho urs for progression and weekly boss kills, and these teams h ave b een “incredibly kind and patient with players new to the content, Spirit expands. What’s more, “people who don’t like to raid cheer [th e teams] on and even support the raiders by dona ting consumables and thin gs like t h at fo r the m. I’ m r eally p rou d of b oth sides.” RO’s success is built on the fundamental premise of engaging with guildmates a s much as possible. As Jebbers put it, “Pla y with people you know and don’t know, an d
Our guild mascot. He gets decorated during festivals, and is fiercely guarded by guild member Festy.
Cecil, King of Antioch
50 GUILDMAG #19 | COMMUNITY - Guild Sp o t light
have fun together. Make experiences, because they don’t make themselves.” If you’re looking to grow your guild or improve it s community, Christian’s advice i s try and do things better tha n RO does. Perhaps formalise a leadership structure for you r guild. Relics of Orr has always managed to sustain itself thanks to the dedication of th e guild leader at th e time. But
the responsibility for solel y running a large guild can leav e an un due burden on that person, w hich could lead to problems when it’s too much to deal with alon gside their other commitments.” Having guild o ffi cers t o share that load can be helpful. “Being part of a guild sh ould be a fun time,” he contin ues, “and while com mittees and meetings don’t really soun d like fun, neither is bear ing the responsibility for everyone else’s fun - so I’d recommen d fi nd ing a happy medium that you are com for table with.” Finding that happy pla ce is easier if you take the time to get to know your guildmates. “Whether it’s cheering them on for their achi evements, personally helping th em out, or just having a chat with them about what they’ re up
to,” Spirit explains, all those little interactions add up and help create a friendly environment and memorable experience.” Bu ilding a community and forming friendships takes time; the rewards, though, are worth it. I never thought I could have a second family online,” Jebbers fi nishes, “bu t somehow that managed to happen thro ugh the personalities I’ve gotten t o know over the years.”
LORE - The Ce n ta u r Tribe s | GUILDM AG #19


Centaur Tribes

ges a go, centaur tribes could be foun d throughou t Tyria . Their territories stret ched from the Maguuma Jungle, across the Shiverpeaks, and as fa r away as Elona and the Crystal Desert. The histori c r ecords include four distinct tribes: the Harathi of Maguuma, the Losa ru o f the Crysta l Desert, the Veldrunner of Elona, and the Modniir of the Shiverpeaks. Stories tell of their enslavement by humans; however, it is unclea r who w ould have attempted to enslave the centaurs and
if there was any success in doing so. Today, the majority of the centaurs are found only in Kryta where they wage war against the h uman settlements, raiding outposts and haven s for sup plies, and even enslaving humans on occasion. While rec ent developments have shed further light on the conspirac y between the cen taur tribes and the Krytan Ministry, with only a handful of exceptions buried deep within the history b ooks and one kn own peaceful tribe today, centaurs have always been a war like people and have ta rgeted
humans for centuries. The only know n peaceful tribe at the moment is that recently fou nd in the Maguuma Wastes. These centaur, while th ey took in survivors of the Zephyrites and allowed our forces to pass through their territory, did not o ff er aid in the fi gh t against Mordremoth. Becaus e of this, it can be assumed that they are descended from the most famous of the peaceful centaurs, Venta ri. Ventari left hi s Har athi tr ibe and so ught solitude in the
52 GUILDMAG #19 | LORE - The Ce n ta u r Tribe s
canyons of the Magu uma Wastes at some poin t in the distant past. There, he set up a refuge and lived peacefully until the discord of K ryta’s civil war spilled over into the area. Even when surrounded by the Wh ite Mantle, the elderly centaur refused to fi ght. Instead, h e r etreated further from human con fl ict and cr eated a sanctuar y along the Tarnished Coast where he ten ded the Pale Tree, setting the stage for the eventual birth of the sylva ri race. Sadly, Ventar i’s beli ef in peace did not spread to most of his fellow centaurs. Interestingly, the sylva ri race may owe its existence to the historic centaurs’ penchant fo r living near large trees. Ventar i initially set up his refuge near one of the largest trees in the
arid desert. When he retreate d further into the jungle, h e once again settled near a tree. His distant cousins, th e Veldrunners, also lived near their large ancestral tr ee in
Elona. The Veldrunner tribe itself also played a part in human history w hen they allied with humans again st Abaddon during his attempte d escape. Today, the three main centaur tribes -- the Mo dniir, the Harathi, and the T amini -- have formed a loose association led by the Modniir, Ulgoth the M ighty. Together, they continue their war against the humans with a Ministry-backed focus on Divinity’s Reach. The tribes’ wartime footing has a ff ected the daily lives o f the centaurs themselves. Previously, gender roles were well de fi n ed within the centaur tribes. Female centaurs were often i n their homestead s raising children and caring for th e home, while male centaurs hunted an d fough t throughout their territory. As the war e ff ort against the humans continues, female ar e now called to the frontlines more often. The camps w e com e ac ross in Kryta re fl ect that war . They are often surround ed by bulwarks of heavy spikes.
The shelters are utilitarian in form and often consist of an arched framework of wood covered in h ides; althou gh some of the more permanent dwellings have added fl oors
made of wooden p lanks. Typical camps of each tr ibe share a number of aspec ts. For example, the Tamini of Queensdale occupy a number o f simple encampments. Thei r nomadic nature can be seen in their sparse camps a nd most a re little more than a handful of buildings arran ged in a rough c ircle. However, lar ger ca mps like Holdland Camp, which is constructed in the hollow of the earth and partially built into a cave, is roofed by a patchwork of hides. C entaurs also construc t walls of h ide and wood. The buildings they do constru ct are generally large enough fo r several centaur to occupy wit h wide doors and wide paths. Encampments with multipl e levels and tow ers will have sloping walkways instead of stairs. Although the T amini use fi re, the focus on wood and hide as their bu ilding materials suggests that the Tami n i d o not smit h their o w n metal nor use foundries and
The Veldrunner tribe itself also played a part in human history when they allied with humans against Abaddon during his attempted escape.
LORE - The Ce n ta u r Tribe s | GUILDM AG #19
smelters. If they did, t hese would be more prevalent in their frontline war effort. Tamini warriors wear leather, metal armor, bar ding, and fight with hide shields, swords , and b ows made of bone. It is possible these weap ons come fr om the Modniir rather than being craft ed by the Tamini themselves. The hides they use in their building likely come from thei r hun ting efforts. However, other supplies used by these centaur c ome from their ra ids on human settlements. These stolen supplies, in crates and finished barrels, sit in st ark contrast to their own rough wood work. Tra veling further north, away from Lion’s Arch, ar e the Harathi and their camp s. One o f the larger camps, located along the Wither fl an k River , showcases Har athi architecture; although Tamini forces are also found in the area. Unlike the simple
structures of the Ta mini camps, Harathi build weaponry, including catapult s and ballistae, and their warr iors a re more likely to use metal weapons such as mac es, spears, and  even firear ms. The smelting of iron and crafting of more advanced weapo ns leads to a need for more permanent settlements. Therefore, i t w o uld b e likely t o fi nd more female Hara thi in the camps of north Kryta. The
Whither fl ank contains su pply carts constructed of bone and wood, enclosures for war beasts and rock dogs, and plank buildings with ramps, along with a su spension bridge, and a smokesta ck that presumably houses the furnace where their metal is smelted. Alth ough bon e and wood are still prevalent, weapon racks here bustle wit h wood and metal weaponry. As with the Tamini camps, the more permanent Harathi settlements are utilita rian
and have very little in the way of art or leisure crafting. Pressing further north into the territory of the Harathi, the Harathi Hinterlands, w e fi nd larger permanent camps. Here, in camps like Shoreblu ff , we do fi nd primitive art such as bars and dabs of paint along with bon e decorations that are most likely meant to intimidate human enemies. The Harathi structures found here are mor e elaborate, though still constructed of onl y rough wood, bone, and hides. In these areas, female centau r ar e also more prevalent, aiding the war e ff ort while wielding staves and fi rearms. Additionally, the most recentl y discovered c amp located nea r the shores of Lake Doric is a typical Harathi cam p.. . well, except for th e pr esence of the bloodstone crazed vic tims...
Like the Harathi of th e Hinterlands and the La ke Doric area, a ll Modniir-led tribes spend little time farmin g and likely only hu nt on occasion. Instead, they gather supplies by r aiding villa ges, mines, and far ms near their encampments, returning with food, weapons, and even slaves. The wa r c amps of the Modniir themselves a re functional i n style. They mimi c and incorporate the building style of the Harathi, but the roofs of th e buildings
Harathi build weaponry, including catapults and ballistae, and their warriors are more likely t o use metal weapons such as maces, spears and even fireams.
54 GUILDMAG #19 | LORE - The Ce n ta u r Tribe s
are steep angles rather than the arches seen in Har athi camps located near Lion’s Arch. I t is p ossible that this steep style o f building has made its way into southern , temperate climates from the Modniir’s anc estral home i n the Shiverpeaks where a stee p buildin g style would help to limit the amount of snow that piled up on the roof of the structure. The Modniir a lso raid settlements and enslave humans. Unlike the Ta mini and Har athi, the Modniir seem to have a grea ter
understanding o f magic, and Modniir sages are a common sight in the war camps of the Hinterlands a s we travel further north toward the Woodland Cascades. I t i s quit e possible that, like the charr of old, those who wield magic ar e the ruling ca ste. What will happen in the future as the bloodstone-crazed Harathi exert their new- found power, and could it shift the centaur alli ance? As we push further into centaur territory, it will
become increasingly important to understand how their societies functions. It is important to know that they are hunters, gatherers, a nd opportunists. Their lim ited resources could p rovide a bargaining chip during negotiations. Yet, because of their war like nature, it is unlikely w e will fi nd very man y centaur to ally with, even with the threat of the Elder Dragons. Knowin g that th ey are willing to ally with human s if it ultimately advances their goals or the goals of a ruling caste, w e may be a bl e to negotiate with some of the more enlightened members of the tribes.
Nunc te mpo r luctus in terdum | GUILDMAG #99
56 GUILDMAG #19 | LORE - Zinn: Super Ge n ius
he history of asura - human interaction is littered wit h sightings of the plucky golemanc er Zinn. Known by many names, ranging from the Zinn sational Zinn to Mister Zinncompetent , the genius golemancer was last seen b y humans fi ghting with the Shining Bl ade over 250 years ago. For decades, most scholars believed that his story ended with the War in Kryta. However, we have recently learned that Zinn went on after the war and
fou n ded the gre a t asuran c i t y, Rata Novus. Zinn continued t o in fl uence the world until his untimely death in 11 75 AE.
Zinn touted himself as th e great est golemancer to ever live and often argued with his former mentor, Oola . From what w e know o f Oola, the arguments must have been quite the battle of wits and insults. Striking ou t on his
own, Zin n built a successful busin ess crea ting custom golems for eccentric clients until on e day h e was hired to construct three murderous golems that were made to be let loose to attack the world’s leaders. He wo uld eventually b e held captive
Zinn: Super Genius

Zinn, Golemancer



by his client who we la ter fi nd out is none oth er than Palawa Joko. Concerned for his reputation, the asura built the golem M.O.X. and sen t it in search of people ca pa ble of stopping the assassins. Luckily for Zinn, th e heroes recruited by M.O.X. were able t o deactivate P .O. X, the fi rst o f the murderous golems, befor e it could kill th e Princes of Vabbi, and N.O.X, th e secon d killer golem, before it rea ched Emperor Kisu of Can tha. When the defeat o f the fi rst two was discovered, R .O.X , the third assassin, took all of Zinn’s remaining golems from Zinn’s lab in the Maguu ma Jungle and marched tow ards the Temple of Ages, intent o n destroying Krytan Princess Salma. Luc kily, R.O.X. was also defeated. It is not known how Z in n escaped Palawa Joko after the three assassin golems were destroyed, but the consequences of th eir actions in fl uenced Zinn ’s future. Despite all his e ff ort to maintain a n impeccable reputation, Zinn was brought to trial in Ra ta Sum in 1079 AE. At the trial, he was accused of sev eral “crim es” including reckless ma yhem without a permit, and others such a s possession of a n overdue librar y tome. After the Arcane Council heard oral arguments from both sides, Zinn was fou nd gu ilty on all counts, includin g sendin g the murderous golems on their assassination quests and burning Oola’s Guide to
Golemancy. His punishment for these transgressions was a ten year exile from Rata Sum and its subject territory. Rather than disappear, Zin n resurfaced o n the battle fi eld with the Shinin g Blade during the War in Kryta. Zinn and his c o hort Blimm, o n e of Oola’s form er employees, allied with the Shining Blade against the W hite Mantle and the Unseen Ones during th e War in Kryta. I t was rumored that the two asura wer e working closely with Livia, the Shining Blade n ecromancer, to develop weaponized golems for Princess Salm a’s forces. Given the assassin golems he had c reated previously, it i s likely t ha t Zinn was able to reuse those schematics and make amend s for his unfortunate past. Historians have recorded his aid a t the Batt le for Lion’s Arch, the fi nal ba ttle of the War i n Kryta, and have mad e note of his key contribution : Using th e bod y of a Seer to create Spectral Resista nce and grant Sa lma’s forces a defense against the mursaat’s ultimate weap on. After the war, it was believed that Zinn returned to Maguuma to exact revenge on the Arcane Council who had exiled h im from Rata Sum. However, recent discoveries show that Zinn instead delved d eeper into the jungle and founded the grand underground city Rat a Novus, and later , R ata Arcanum.

War in Kryta

LORE - Zinn: Super Ge ni us | GUILDMAG #19
58 GUILDMAG #19 | LORE - Zinn: Super Ge n ius
Zinn and his krewe first set up the city of Rata Novus atop a heavy concentration of ley- line energy. As they worked to secure the city and rebuild a life even greater than th e one that had been taken from them in Rata Sum, their a c tivity attracted hungry chak, Maguuma insects that fed  on ley-line energy. It was during this time that Zinn turn ed his ire toward Primordus. The dragon’ s stirring had unleashed its destroyer minions, which had in turn driven th e asura ou t of their beloved underground cities. Although they reestablished their civilization above ground in Rata Su m, Zinn and oth ers longed to return to the tunnels they loved. Rata Novus and its underground location w as a fitting setting to combat the awakening Elder Dragons.
And to that end , the asura partnered with the Exa lted of Tarir in hopes of defeating them. Yet, R ata Novus also held the seeds of its own destruction - ley energy. As the city increased i ts defenses and harnessed more energy, it becam e an irresistible feast for the chak. Increasing the power o utput of the defenses, withou t realizing tha t the chak were feeding o ff the energy, meant that soon the city was caught in an undesirable feedba ck loop: The more the chak atta cked, the more energy was put toward the city’s defense which then caused more chak to attack. Despite Zinn’s best e ff orts and the best defenses the asura could construct, the city was overrun and most of the asur a were killed. Zinn, along with a handful of the researchers from Rata Novus, were a ble to teleport to Rata Arc anum in the Fire Islan ds before the fi nal defenses of the city
collapsed and the chak took over. Despite his hasty departure from Rata Novus, Zin n remained focu sed on his goal of defeating Primordus. In h is recently discovered recordings in Draconis M ons, we found ou t that he saw his exile from Rata Novus as another set-back, but he was determined to fi ght his way back to the top. However, once again, his experiments found him standing against unknown forces, which he quickly dismissed and later became his do wnfall. Z inn’s attempt s to ter raform the cavern and feed his krewe led him to experiment w ith the natural order of the cav ern. His desire for grea tness led him to harness the druid ’s nature magic, which angered the druids of the cavern. They eventually atta cked, killing Zinn and his remaining krew e members.

High Councilor Zinn

Nunc te mpo r luctus in terdum | GUILDMAG #99

Zinn: Super Genius

With the recent discovery of Rata Arcanum and the fate of Zinn, our un derstand ing of how one gen ius can in fl uence the world has come full circle. Zinn’s reputation, w hether a person sees it as good or poor, has long o utlived him and his actions have shaped Tyrian destiny. Althou gh he was unable t o exact revenge on Primordus or the Arcane Council, his attempt at greatness surely succeeded and he will forever be a part of the history of Ty ria.



Budget outfits for White Mantle wannabees and Draconis Mons explorers hile everyone’s been focusing on the White Mantle’s radical changes in Krytan politics, n o one has mentioned what they’ve do ne to sh ake thin gs up in Krytan fashion. Vill a i n ous organizations always seem to have the coolest-looking u niforms , and the White Mantle are no exception. But with the White Mantle Out fi t listed at 700 gems, and Exemplar Ylan bound to Fort Evannia, what’s a Thrifty Threader to do? We use the n ext best thin gs of course!


THE OUTFIT Looking at the options ava ilable in the Wardrobe, I decided that the class tha t gets the closest to th e W hite Mantle design are female light armor classes. I used my female norn mesmer, but I imagine female humans w ill bene fi t from this look as w ell.
60 GUILDMAG #19 | EDITORIAL - Thrifty Threads
COMPONENTS HEAD: I nquest Circlets Obtained from completing the Crucible of Eternity Dungeon for du ngeon tokens, this headpiece has the right shape and proper dye slots to resemble the helms of the White Mantle. You’ll need 180 tokens to make this headpiece yours . SHOULDERS : Student Man tle This easily-obtained shoulder piece is a common drop from mobs throughout Tyria, and can a lso be purchased a t the T rading Post for about 3-6 silver. CHEST: Soul of Koda Another dungeon armor piece, th is time from the Honor of the Waves. The chestpiece is 330 tokens, a small price com pa red to the amount of time you’ll need to wait for other party members to join you.
HANDS: Acolyte Gloves If you’re a tailor, you can craft this piece, or purchase it from the TP for 4-6 silver. LEGS: Acolyte Pants Just like the gloves, you can craft this piece, or purchase it from the TP for 4-6 silver. FEET: Diviner Boots For these Diviner Boots, you’ll have to travel t o the Mists to o ff er up 208 Badges of Honor, 2 silver and 8 co pper.
DYES Any bright red dye will do, but the whitest dye s tend to be expensive. Here are some o ptions that I’ve fo und work the best: Red: Scarlet (94c) or Autumn (free) Gold:  Lemon Zest (9s) or Antique Gold (free) White: Fog Dye (2s) Granted, if you want the closest color match, I’d recommend C elestial dye, but at about 17 gold on the Trading Post, it is disquali fi ed fro m being a “th rifty” option. With these pieces and dyes combined, you’ ll be able to fool even the most discerning Whit e Mantle guard. It might not be an exact match, but this get- u p should be enough to h elp you break into White Mantle territory without breaking the ban k.
EDITORIAL - Thrifty Th r eads | GUILDM AG #19

The Raging Ritualist

ello readers and hail heroes! It’s time to delve into a new look for the o h-so - fabulou s class known a s the revenant. This o ut fi t really shows a good example of how to p roper l y m ake hea v y armou r loo k bulk y , fashiona ble and e p ic. It’s especia lly easy t o make themes for armour with revenants because you can easily make it embody a legend they possess, e.g. Shiro, Jalis, Ventari, Glint. I found a mix between the purple dye Midn ight Violet and the red dye Black Cherry. Midn ight Violet is 37 silver 86 copper, and Black Cherry is 37 silver 80 cop per.
THE OUTFIT This look depicts a Mallyx devoted revenant. Mallyx the Unyielding is the Margonite overlord of the Domain of Anguish. The Margonites wer e humans that worship ped Abbado n the God of Water and Secrets. Abbadon turn ed his followers into demons eventually. M y idea to go along with this is to fi n d a good balance that works well with the Mallyx legend, while incorporating lore wh en & where I can. This idea fi ts that whole “revenants are pretty new, theoretica lly speaking” classi fi c ation. The possibilities are endless w hen it comes to revenants.
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COMPONENTS HEAD: Resplenden t Curtain When y ou create a revenant, yo u have the choice o f three di ff erent blindfolds. This is one of the choices. It’s pretty easy to acquire so long a s you have the necessary character slot to make on e. SHOULDERS: Hellfire Man tle More di ffi cult to acquire because it requires a fair amount of playtime. You’ll have t o obtain 6,000 achievement points (or 15,0 00 if you chose the Radiant set). Both sets are awesom e in their own way, but choosing Radiant pieces makes it a lot harder for you . CHEST: Bladed Breastp late Not much time is required for th e Bladed armour set. The main method is by simply playing on the Heart of Thorns Verdant Brink map and making sure yo u d o the meta event. During the meta event (th e nigh t cycle) yo u must get your map instance to tier four, and you must have 100% map participation. The Bladed armour pieces ar e particula r to t ha t map s o if you w ork towards the meta event (or events in general) yo u can strap on that pointy- yet-dashing set of armou r in n o time at all . HANDS: Hellfire Vambraces Like the other Hell fi re counterpart o f this set, it requires a vast amount of a chievement points an d playtime. N ot nearly e n ough as th e Hell fi re Mantle, but you’ll need to acquire 3 ,00 0 achievement poin ts for these molten mittens (or 12,000 if you chose th e Radiant glove skin
instead). LEGS: Mistward Leg gings Obtaining any piece of the set requires a level 80 revenant, and a multi-step achievemen t to complete the Mistward a rmour set. You will have to get four di ff erent leg skins (Scale, Barbaric, Gladiator, Draconic), as well a s the Mistward legging lining, panel, a nd insignia. The lining drops from any Sons of Svanir enemy while the panel will be awar ded to you after you defeat the Mark II Golem boss ev ent in Mount Maelstrom. The fi nal piece required is the insignia, w hich you can purchase from Exalted vendors for 150 A urillium and 10 silver . FEET: Mistward Warboots As with the Mistward Legguards, you have another achievement to ful fi ll (OH JOY!). You need to obtain th e four boot skins (Scale, Barbaric, Gladiator, Draconic). But wait! There’ s more! You need to acquire the Mistwar d Warboot casing, lining, and insignia. The casin g drops from any Inquest enemy, and the lining requires you to fi ght and destroy the Karka Queen in Southsun C ove. The fi n al piece, the insignia, is bought in The Silverwastes for 150 Bandit Crests and 10 silver.
EDITORIAL - Thrifty Th r eads | GUILDM AG #99
64 GUILDMAG #19 | FICTION - Faithful
pulled myself to the top of th e escarpment a nd st ared out at the red rock jungle beneath us. Leaning on my h efty wooden sta ff , I took a moment to catch my breath as the apprentices clambered up behind me. The trek through the jungle these many days had left us all bedraggled and the once-pristine whites of our uniforms had faded to match th e homespun our travelin g companions wore. Alithe and her bandits stood ju st ahead o f me, also staring down at the jungle. Beneath us, a maze of red rock canyons traced jagged lines throug h t he r i pe g ree n vegetation, spire s piercing the thick jungle undergrow th here and there. The air around u s refu sed to move - there had been no breeze for days - and everything sat sweltering in the h eat. “I do n’t know h ow much more jungle I can stomach,” a n apprentice complained u nder her breath a s she stop ped b esid e me. I glanced a t her disapprovingly, smiling wh en she seemed taken aback by my glare. “We ar e called to this mission, apprentice. The Unseen Ones will smile upon us and salve our weariness,” I said. She bowed her head, “Of course, Inquisitor. I am weak in my faith.” She sighed. “I pray that this mission will bring me greater faith.” “Stand fast , apprentice,” I encouraged. I shouldered my staff and joined Alith e. “What





FICTION - Faithful | GUILDM AG #99
do y ou see?” I asked. “Inquisitor Thiery,” she greeted. “We can rappel down from here, of course, but there’s no tellin g how tall the cli ff s are and what we will be dropping into. Or we can make our way along this ridge, she pointed the direction, “and, as you can see, it looks as if it descends through the trees. We can at least get closer to the ground before tru sting to the drop.” I looked where she pointed and nodded, “Yes, let’s go along the ridge. After hacking our way through that last vale, I’m happy to keep to the high groun d for a time.” “Very good,” one of the nearby bandits responded before chivvying everyon e along the ridge, glancing disdainfully at the three apprentices who had d rop ped to th eir knees in p rayer. “I still do not understand why we need this rabble, Justiciar Bauer,” I thought, remembering his chastisement when I had initially refused this calling and his insistence that I take the bandits with me. I t was on order of the Confessor he had explained, after showing me the error of m y ways. “I am still praying for understanding,” I thought, trailing behind Alithe a s we hiked along the top of the ridge. The Confessors and Justiciars trusted the bandits and they were a nicely expendable ally, I had to admit. Their lack of understanding regarding the Unseen Ones and our faith was tolerable under most circumstances. In addition, many of the newest, most fervent apprentices came from their ranks. As they worked with us, they witnessed the glory of our gods and w an ted nothing more than to dedicate their remaini n g days to them. I n fact, the three apprentices wit h me were once bandit scouts. Luckily, the other tw o W hite Mantle with us h ad grown strong in their faith, spending years in toil out in the Maguuma Wastes, searching for the rumored passages that led further west. If the apprentices faltered, I was sure we’d still succeed. As the ridge descended, trees grew closer, their branches laced with vin es and wildlife. After a time, we reached the end of the ridge. Below us, intertwined branch es shielded the grou nd from view. Alithe and I stared at it a while and stood i n silent thought. O ff to our right, h id den b y the jungle, a large body crashed through the brush. “Probably one o f those cursed armoure d drakes,” I muttered. Alithe smirked and replied, “Send yo ur apprentices down first.” “Hah! Your scout and blade should drop first, th en my apprentices.” “I think it’s their turn. We climb ed the escarpment first.” I studied the bandit’s tanned face, the sharp gleam in her eye suggesting that sh e was deadly serious. I shrugged and signalled for the apprentices and one of the veterans. “Down you go,” I instructed. “The Unseen Ones protect you.” With curt nods and few words, the three apprentice s and Tomas set u p a line and rappelled down the cli ff face. We listened to their progress, waitin g for the sound of attack, waiting for screams. Not so long ago, there had been fi ve apprentices and three veteran soldiers with me. The last time we’d taken a turn rappelling do wn into the unknown, it had not gone well and I’d lost the three-man team - slaughtered b y an accursed tribe of tree hylek. Giving chase through the branches had done little good as the frogs vanishe d almost instantly. All I could do was pray over them and wish them speedy journey through the
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Mists and into the service of our gods. This time, there were no screams or sounds of battle. Aft er a mom ent, Tomas whistled and the bandits h appily clambered down. Alithe punched my shoulder, “Your luck has turned,” she said , following the others. I waited for her to d isapp ear over th e side, then sent Kim after her. At the bottom, I left the apprentices t o collect the rope and moved to a defensive position, looking around. The bandit scouts had spread out in a half-circle. The canyon fl oor on this side of the escarpment looked the same a s what we’d left behind - sparse vegetation lining the numerous game trails, birds calling in the trees, and unseen beasts shu ffl ing in the undergro wt h . I did n’t see any sign of h ylek and relaxed. It took me a moment to realize that Alithe and my soldiers were waiting for me; waiting for me to fi nd the path. I smiled to myself, remembering th e moment I had been called to serve the Unseen Ones as a Path fi nder. After the Justiciar sent me west to meet the veteran soldiers Tomas, Kim, and Michel out in the wilds, my soul had fi lled with dou bt. The soldiers had been out i n the desert for months, arguing with bandit lackeys, fi ghting o ff hostile creatures, s u ff erin g for the cause. But they had found no passage through the canyons and no hint that there was even a reason to continue the westward exploration. Disheartened, I’d knelt in prayer, and that’s when I heard them. The Unseen Ones whispered in m y ear, telling me t o w alk forward and not fear. They would protect me, they would lead me, and I would fi nd the way. From that moment, I had felt the Unseen Ones calling to me, leading me onward. First, we crossed the desert, discovering a hidden passage through a cli ff . O n the other side, we’d found a ruin that opened out onto a new area, and the jungle lay beyond , twis t i ng over the red rock canyons an d slowly pulling the sandstone down into rubble. As we’d travelled, I’d insisted that we stay on the path the Unseen Ones laid before me and i t tended to climb over cli ff s instead of tracking around them. Now, I closed my eyes and called o ut to my Un seen guides. “Follow the game trail, there,” a half-heard voice whispered i n my ear and I looked o ff to my left. “That way, follow the trail, I said. With directions, our force moved out; Alithe and her bandits took the lead and the apprentices brought up the rear. The trail trended westward and northwestward through the jungle, wrapping around cliffs and spires. Here and there, ruins peeked out from the vegetation. Like those in the Silverwastes, they were nondescript and I saw no value in them. We passed by a stream, and everyone stopped to refill their canteens. Kneeling beside the water, I reached down and cupp ed some in my hand, lifting it to my lips. Peace filled me as the cool water did and I took a deep breath, smiling at the world around me, refreshed. “Keep moving,” the Unseen One hissed, “You’re nearly there.” “Where?” I thought, surprised by my temerity. There was no answer. The game trail we’d been following continued north after crossing the stream. “Let’s go,” I said aloud. “There’s still enoug h light to keep going.” “We can set camp here and have w ater,” Alithe said. “We keep going.” I stated bluntly, treating her to a glare. She held her hands out in surrender and shrugged before nodding to the scouts and starting north along the trail. I follo wed.
FICTION - Faithful | GUILDMAG #19
Another hour north brought us to a large clearing and w e stop ped, suspicious o f any open space in a jungle. Th e scouts spread ou t to fl ank the clearing, searching for danger. “This is di ff erent,” one o f the apprentices said at my el bow. I nod ded; we waited . “We don’t see anything,” Alithe informed me after her scouts returned. “After you, Inquisitor,” she said, gesturing for m e to lead the way out into the clearing. I sneered, “We rap pelled. It’s your turn.” She sni ff ed and then star ted out into the clearing, her scouts and blades surrounding her. Ten steps in, o ne of the blades simply vanished in mid-stride. Everyone stopped an d stared at where he’d been. I rushed forward, skidding to a halt as the hole he’d fallen through grew visible. “Wait,” I said, holding my hands o ut, stop ping the others. I studied the hole for a mo men t. “Swift?!” Alithe sh outed. There was no reply. I knelt gingerly at the edge of the hole and studied the ground around it before glancin g into the darkness of the hole. It was too dark to see anything. The air d rifting from it was d r y and stale. “Yes, I heard the Un seen O ne say. M y h eart leapt to m y throat. Shaking, I closed my eyes and praised my gods for leading me to this. “It’s a cave,” I said, not quite certain if it was truth that I knew, or if it was truth that the Unseen Ones were causing me to kn ow. “Th e ground is i ff y here. W e shou ld climb d own,” I said. Tomas set u p the rope and h eld it while the apprentices and Kim clambered down, dropping to the cavern fl oor about t w enty fee t below. Alithe and the bandit mage follow ed, leaving everyone else o n the surface. When I reached the bottom, the bandits were tending to the broken body of S wift. He seemed to be alive, although injured and uncon scio us.
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“Inquisitor?” Kim asked, waiting for orders. I looked around, noddin g. “Make camp above u s, begin bu ilding sca ff olds and stairs. We’ll need to widen the opening and explore this cave system.” He saluted and rushed to carry out his tasks, conscripting the apprentices and bandit scouts still above u s in the process. Alithe approached contempla tively, waiting for me to speak. “We’ve found it,” I said under my breath, as if speaking too lou dly would make it untrue. “How is your blade?” I asked as an afterthought. “He’ll recover. I’ll send the other back to the Silverwastes with a map and a request for reinforcements. “Excellent!” My voice travelled through the cave, echoing far away, suggesting the cave r a n deep. Alithe motioned for the mage and the three of us walked the circumference of the cave. A quarter of the way around, we found a tunnel that led deeper down, falling away into darkness. With the help of the mage’s fi r e, we could mak e out the fi rst tw enty feet o r so. A path ran downward, clear of debris but dotted with stalagmites and columns. At the edge of the light, it seemed to me that a right angle existed, suggesting the corner of a wall. I pointed it out to Alithe, “Ruins?” I asked. She frow ned, “Possibly.” “I need to keep going,” I said. “You will come with me.” She nodded and glanced at the mage before adding, “Bring one of you rs.” “Apprentice,” I called, motioning to the young lady wh o’d spoken to me at th e top of the escarpment. “We’re going d own.” “Yes Inquisitor Thierry,” she said, leaving the others t o help p eople down in to the h ole and joining us, short sword drawn .
FICTION - Faithful | GUILDM AG #19
“Put the sword away, there is n o threat here. W e are in the presence of the Unseen Ones.” Blinking, surprised b y the revelation that the gods were near, she obeyed. I motioned toward the path, and she smiled as she took the lead; Alithe, her mage, an d I follo wed. We stopped at the sharp corner I ’d seen and examined the ruin s a moment. Even t o my untrained eye, they were obviously di ff erent from those of the surface. There was something intangibly older and darker about them; and they felt stee p e d in magic. M y heart began t o rac e an d w e hur ried down the steep path as q uickly as we coul d. A fter a t ime, th e p ath st raig htened and a large, round ruin rose from the rock around us. Once, someone had carved odd human faces into the walls. Protected by being underground, they had weathered the centuries intact. We passed between two of them and into th e round ro om. “Here, I said under my breath, the Unseen Ones whispering in my mind in unison. “This is what you are looking for, Inquisitor?” Alithe asked, studying the empty chamber. “It doesn’t look like much.” “It is powered by blood,” the Unseen Ones said through me, “Apprentice, your sword.” The young woman o ff ered her blade. I took it from her and plunged it into her heart, the sudd en surprise blooming across her face mirroring m y own. She dropped and the blade fell from my hand to clatter on the stone fl oor beside her. The apprentice’s blood fl owed from her onto the stone and the air fi lled with power - an electric promise building around us, below us, and abov e us. A lit h e a n d her mage backed away, hurrying from the room, back up the path we’d travelled . “They won’t get far,” the Unseen One whispered, the voice growing stronger and distinct as the power of the bloodstone built. I dropp ed to my knees besid e the apprentice and prayed , thanking the Unseen Ones for bringing m e safely through the desert and jungle to witness thei r greatness.
70 GUILDMAG #19 | FICTION - The M a n Beh ind the M ask
The Man
raveling east from Divinity’s Reach, Kit and Mr. Sprinkle have been tasked with delivering a cache of weapons to Lion’s Arch. They start by going southeast from Saidra’s Haven and plan to continue throu gh Melandru’s Refuge. However, before they are able to exit Lake Doric, they’re beset upon by a group of bandits. No big deal, Kit and Sprinkle take out bandits all the time. Kit readied her bow and nocked an arrow . The bandits, 5 in number, circled around Kit. She should’ve taken one out before they moved in , now she’ll be hard pressed if they decide to attack her. Suddenly, her body became very heavy and her vision began to blur. Kit sank to her knees, fi ghting to remain conscious when she hear d a dulled voice say, “What do w e do with them?” “Take the weapons to the armory and bring her in for questioning. ‘The One’ will want to have a word with her.” Kit slipped into unconsciousn es s. R ookie, man the fort while I’m gone. R ookie, sweep the fl oors. R ookie, clean u p Sprinkle’s mess, Watson complained. “I’m going crazy here! They’ve been gone for days and n o other orders have come in.” A loud bang on the door interrupted Watson’s bickering; h e ignored it. Another loud bang, and another shortly after. Finally deciding t o stop bein g lazy, Watson checked th e door. H e found Mr. Sprinkle standing outside, looking ragged and breathing heavily. “Sprinkle? Where’s Kit? Is she not w ith you?” W atso n asked. S p rinkle collapse d as Watson questioned him . Only then did Watson notice Sprinkle’s wounds. His back legs were bound with iron manacles; the fur surrounding them was drenched with blood. Watson quickly insp ected the wou nds, then ran o ff to fi n d a healer. Mr. Sprinkle woke up a day later in Kit’s b arn. Watson was asleep on a nearby hay bale. Sprinkl e managed to stand up and make his way to the closed barn doors. Sprinkle’s attempts a t openin g the doors woke Watson, but he kept on tryin g.

Behind the Mask

FICTION - The Ma n Behind the Mask | GUILDMAG #19
“Sprinkle, you really ought to keep resting. I know y o were healed and all, but your legs still need a little bit o f time for the healing magic to completely take e ffect. Sprinkle half-turned and glared at Watson, which mad e h im incredibly uneasy. He’d never really seen Sprinkle angry before, but if there ever was a time, this was it. Sprinkle continued to glare at Watson for a few more seconds, then returned to attempting to open the barn doors. Watson released the breath he didn’t even n o tice he was holding. A th ought occurred to Watso n at that point. “You’re trying to get back to Kit, aren’t you?” Sprinkle sudd enly stopped and slowly turned to Watson again. This time, however, there was no malice in his eyes, but r ather deep, painful sadness. “I’m coming with you. Under any other circumstance I’d say we gather a group of people to search, but I get the feeling we don’t have mu ch time.” Watson donned his light armor, swords and bow, and set out with Sprinkle. They traveled through Divinity’s Reach and back out the east gate where Kit and Sprinkle were originally ambushed. Sprinkle was moving much faster than he usually did, so Watson nearly had to run t o keep up. Instead of traveling south and east, where the duo h ad gone before, S prin kle turned immediately north outside o f the east gate, passing Saidra’s Haven and moving toward s Mantle’s Breach. That seemed odd to Watson because there wasn’t really anything there; just a busted wall and the earth surroun ding it. Sprinkle led th em to a northern section of the w all and stop ped. “What?” Watson asked. “There’s nothing here.” S prin kle looked to Watson, th en continued straight into the wall, disappearing into i t. “An illusion…” Watson held his hand out to the “wall” and walked through just as Sprinkle did. The illusion h id a n entrance to a man-made tun nel which led steeply downward. T h e t u n n e l was slightly larger than S p rinkle h imself, only allowin g about three humans to stand side-by-side. Determination fi lled Sprinkle; he continued o n, not waiting for Watson, who had to run to catch up. Magical orbs lit the tunnels every few dozen feet. “What is this place?” Watson asked, not directing the question at anyone. The dull thuds of the yak’s hooves were his only response. The tunnel leveled out and then split into a fork. Sprinkle sni ff ed the air and continued down the left tunnel. The distant echoing of voices could be hear d around the next bend. Multiple men were heading their way, loudly complaining about having to patrol the tunnels. S p rinkle and Watson stopped in an unlit section of the tunnel and waited , listening to the heavy metal footsteps and complaining grow louder. Three men garbed in whit e armor adorned with golden etchings rounded the corner, two in front and one trailing beh in d them about a dozen fe et. Without warning, Sprinkle roared and broke into a charge. The leading man was trampled and the second slammed against the wall with bone-cracking force. The third stood staring, in shock from what he’d just seen. Sprinkle roared again and charged at the man, who panicked and ran a s fast a s h e could. Watson sprinted after t hem, glancing at the mangled bodies of the men Sprinkle just obliterated. The tunnels were only about 8 feet high, which limited Sprinkle’s speed, but anyone who dared come at him had nowhere to run. Sprinkle was ou t of W atson ’s sight b y now, but h e heard screams erupt from ahead. More men unfortunate enough to be in Sprinkle’s way, he assumed. A few seconds later he was proven right. Four more men
72 GUILDMAG #19 | FICT ION - The Ma n Be hind the Mask
in white and gold armor and chainmail littered the tunnel. Their weap ons were still in their scabbards; they didn’t stand a ch an ce.
Kit’s screams echoed loudly off the cavern walls. “I don’t know!” she wailed. Two men exited the room through a fl ap in the tent. Both men wore metal masks shaped like a feat ur eless human face; one gold, one silver. “What do you think?” the gold masked man asked . “Either she’s incredibly brave and resilient, or she actually doesn’t know. I’m leaning on the latter,” the silver masked man responded, cleaning his dagger. “How unfortunate. In any case, she is of no use to us. Dispose o f her immediately, the gold masked man ordered. The silver masked man bowed silently. Commotion erupted outside of the tent. One man was fra ntica lly screami ng ab out “some guy an d h is beast” bar relin g throu gh the tunnels and killing every one they came across. The gold masked man sighed. “Looks like you’re needed elsewhere fi rst. Take care of this problem immediately.” The silver masked man bowed silently while the gold masked man retreated through a portal. Watson ran as fast as h e could, but could not keep up with Sprinkle, especially with all the bodies impeding his progress. He could still hear Sprinkle rampaging. More men screamed an d Sprinkle roared, but suddenly all went silent. Watson stopped dead in his tracks, then doubled hi s e ff ort s t o ca tch up t o Sp ri nk le, f ear in g the wor st. The tun nel op ened u p in to a smal l carv ed - out cavern. It was well-lit by the magical lanterns, allowing Watson to scan the area. Bodies o f men littered the ground, but so too did Sprinkle. He lay silent, unmoving, with a man in a silver mask standing over him, his sword coated with blood. He wore a black tunic with white cloth straps crossing his chest, small golden pauldrons, black leather pants with white embroidery, and golden steel boots. He cleaned his sword on Sprinkle’ s fur and spoke, “Insolent fools; unable t o take down even a simple beast. I suppose that’s wh y He only allowed them to be foot soldiers.” He looked at Watson. “And who are you? The rescue party? “What have you done?!” Watson screamed. “Isn’t it obvious?” the silver masked man answered co oly. “Rrraaaagh!” Watson fl ew into a rage, drawing his sword and sprinting at the man, who moved away from Sprinkle and stood still, waiting for him. With fury behind every strike, Watson struc k but the masked man simply parried or dodged. Watson lunged his sword forward a t the man’s throat, but it was parried high and thrown wide to the right, exposing Watson’s chest. Even in this mental state, Watson knew h e had pushed too far. He stopped himself and jumped b ack, but not after the masked man nicked his left thigh; not deep, but just enough t o break the
FICTION - The Ma n Behind the Mask | GUILDMAG #19

About The writer

I do in-game community content for Guild Wars 2 . I play/write quests for the community to do, then I reward them gifts i n return every weekend. It’s a tradition from Nicholas The Traveler in GW1 . However, it’s done by me: a fan of th e game! You can catch me streaming on Twitch, or hosting my podcast! @kitthetraveler tthet raveler
skin through the leather armor. The masked man was incredibly fast, and hi s sword dangerously sharp, sharper  than any forged steel Watson had ever seen . Watson tried to take his time to get his bearings, but was immediately pressured. The masked man swung dow n high, feigned left then stabbed right, cutting W atson ’s chest underneath his left armpit. Watson was dangerously outmatched, even without this obviously magical sword the masked man wielded. He began to circle left, looking for an opening, but the masked man darted to him again, slicing from right to left, stopping half- way and stabbing up toward Watson’s throat, just barely missing, but it threw Watson off-balance and he stumbled. The masked man lu nged again, digging his sw ord throu gh Watson’s left shoulder and throwing him to the groun d, a wail of pain escapin g him. “You fools just don’t get it. Nobody can stop Him from ascending! He will become even more powerful than the dragons themselves!” the masked man ranted. H e pulled the blade from Watson’s shoulder and rose i t high. “You will be one more sacri fi ce in His na-Hrrk!” the masked man jolted, an arrow ripped through him and burst out his chest. Struck through the heart, he died instantly. The masked man toppled over, revealing Kit hunched over with h er bow. “Kit!” Watson shouted. “Check his body, Kit ordered through gritted teeth . “He shou ld h ave a pouch with some green substance in it. Watson did as h e was told and found what Kit described . He rushed over to Kit, nearly tripping over his feet. “No!” Kit shouted and pointed to S prin kle. “Help him fi rst. They used that t o keep me alive while they tortu red me, rub i t on Sprinkle’s wounds.” Watson rushed to Sprinkle; h e was alive, but breathing in fast, shallow breath s. Watson quickly applied handfuls of the green substance onto Sprin kle’ s w ounds, which began to close almost as soon as it touched Sprinkle’s skin. His breathing leveled out, but h e was still unconscio us.


ince the end of Heart of Thorns , magic has been running o ff the rails around Tyri a; and wouldn’t you believe it, in true villainous fashion, the White Mantle a re having something of a sinister second coming. There’s nothing quite like the explo sio n of a bloodstone to shake up the statu s quo, and even though the world is facing a dou ble dragon crisis, the heroes of Tyria are here to answer the call.
This issue, I shine the spotlight on new er pieces that feature places and events in the wake of the W h ite Ma n tle menace, a s we l l as a couple of pieces that feature the indomitable spirit of Tyria’s heroes. Of course, this is art. My opinions and perspectives are su bject to my preferences and the limits of my artistic knowledge, but are ultimately bound to one important rule: I’m here t o have fun.
74 GUILDMAG #19 | ART - Community Art
ART - Co mmunity Art | GUILDMAG #19
What we have here is probably one of the most stalwart asuran mesmers I’ve ever seen . Honestly, I don’t usually consider heavy armor looks for mesmers and other spellcasters, if only because they’re restricted to light arm ors; and following that, I don ’t typically bother with the Out fi ts feature when creating a look for a character. That said, this piece sells the idea t o me a s the artist serves u p an image of shimmering knightly chronomantic fea rlessness through pose, color, and composition. The asuran mesmer is wearin g the Sentinel Out fi t armor, w h ich is u nmistakably a heav y armor by design. When one envisions a heavily a rmored character, it invokes ideas of resilience, protection, a nd stability. However, it’s not just
the armor that presents thes e ideas, but also the fi gure’s pose. Here, the pose is dug- in; there is a certain weight to it that tells the viewer that the hero is rooted in his stance. It feels heavy, if that makes sense. Also worth mention ing is the artist’s c onserv ative and e ff ectiv e approach to color. I think one of th e better techniques for painting magic , especially brightly color ed magic, is to paint the rest of the scene and character with more neutral and pastel tones. This way, the mesmer magic pops, making it impossible to b e lost in the other detail. The contrast of colors also provides depth for the character and the scene, making clea r distinctions between th e foreground and background.
The composition of the piece is pretty standard of many character por traits, which is a critique only so far as to say tha t there is room for experimentation in perspective in the futu re. It’s well done a s side pro fi les go, and I like that the p ose is positioned in a way to give the fi gure its own levels of depth from the front ar m a nd greatsword to the lifted arm i n the back. My only real criti cism would con cern the size and positioning of th e back ear in comparison to the front ear as well a s the sti ff ness/ straightness of th e asura’s neck i n relation to its h ead . Overall though, a great piece of character-driven action an d attention to character deta il.

“Asura Mesmer” by Sayael m
76 GUILDMAG #99 | Nunc te mpo r luctus in terdum

“The Elementa

list” by Dira-Chan
Photography by w


stone Cavern” by Aho

www .n
ART - Co mmunity Art | GUILDMAG #19
It’s not an art spotlight withou t an entry for cosplay, and this issue’s piece is exemplary to a point. Here w e’re getting mysterious elementa l seer realness i n the fan cy and fi ne lace and tr immed embroidery of the female cabalist armor set. As someone who’s used a few pieces of this set for my necromancer in the past, I greatly apprec iate the detail that wen t into this cosplay out fi t. This set has a certain level of regal ity a nd ornateness that, at l east in my head, would take a ton of work to properly convert into a costume, but here it is. I will say, my fi rst reaction is to critique the color scheme as being too safe or too
common, but that has more to d o with having seen so many characters in the game run around in with black, red, and w hite as their dye scheme. I would like to clarify that “safe” isn’t “bad”, a nd i f the cospla yer likes it, that’s what really matters. It works, especially with regard to givin g the character that darker and mysterious aesthetic. Regarding the overa ll compositions,
t h e photography does a splendid job with framing and focusing on the subject of the images. The surrounding blu r o n each photo is enough that the world around the cosplayer is still discernible for contextual details but doesn’t steal much attention away from the
subject matter. Additionally, I apprecia te the di ff ering levels o f lig ht for each photo. I imagine the added fi re e ff ects in the fi rst picture would have been more di ffi cult to a dd and blend into a pho to with darker tones, so they wen t with something lighte r and warmer, but with the pose, it still reads a s powerfu l. Meanwhile, the da rker toned photo, paired with the pose and exp ression of the cosplayer, rea lly bri ngs out these combined themes of secrecy, con fi dence, and a hin t of fear that poses me to beg the question; what happ ens next?
My fi rst thought when I fi rst saw this piece was ho w reminiscent it was of some of the loading screen artwork from th e Season Three maps and story instances, from the color palette, to the abstra ction of detail, to the signature blu e-ish green ribbon of ley line magic through th e scene. One th e big similarities is the contrast between brighter shapes and lines of saturated color against terrain with a mor e subd ued color scheme so that the ma gical elements stand out, the same techniqu e I spoke about in S ayael’s character p r o fi le earlier. Here , the transitions in color ar e
m or e s u btle, bl e n ded soft l y t o demonstrate a deeper fi eld of view and th e changes in light sources in the foreground (which are few), and the background. This is aided by the inclusion of the glow light from the asura fi gure’s sta ff , which perpetuates the notion that the foreground is dark enough for the sta ff ’s light to be seen on th e face and arm. I think what I love most i s this slight McQuarrie-esque quality to the the asur a character that reminds me o f some of the concept art for t h e character of Yoda o f Star War s fame, though mixed with a slightly more minima listic and
painterly approach. That said, I like that the character’s out fi t is simple and mostly exi sts as a silhouette to fram e the body, pushing my attent ion up to the scar f, the head, and outward from there. This piece is less about th e featured character and more about the scene a s a wh ole; it’s illustra tive of a tim e and place familiar to those that have played the fi rst ep isode of Season Three. It does a wonderfu l job at remindin g me of those in itial emotion s of shock, awe, and fear that I know I felt when fi rst entering Bloodstone Fen.
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Yes, it’s another asura. Is it because I feel guilty for h avin g no asura charact ers of my own? Maybe a little, but that’s really neither here nor there. Like Aho’s illustration, this scene by knight-mj i s d riven by a bright and colorful visual narr ative in true comi c-style paneling. Here we have Tamiara facing down raid guard do g, Cairn the Indomitable, just outside the Bastion of the Peniten t. The composition o f this scene speaks volumes about the visual fl ow and th e though ts and feelings conveyed a s well . I n this case, there is this classi c artistic tradi tion of pla cing the viewer to th e main subject’s back with the subject facing away that’s often meant to convey this sense o f enigmati c stoicism where we a s viewers cannot see a subject’s true expression. However, w e can gain some amount of context
through the fi gure’s stance and object of their attention, allowing us to better imagine what w e can’t see. In addition, not b eing able to see the subject’s face is often the best way to control the viewer’s attention and p oint them towards other details that would have normally been looked at second or third. For instance, the fi rst thing my eyes are drawn t o wh en I see this scene is Tami ara’s hammer a nd all o f its sma ll mechanical details writhing in strands of blue electricity th at arc o ff in di ff erent directions. Even the tiny glow in g triangle of the Eye of Janthir in the distance draws me into the background from th e foreground, which, speaking of alluring details, has its own tiny magical specks a nd soft lens fl are line that I love. Another thing to con sider when view in g is how
perspective direct s how the viewer is supposed to feel in terms of the con fl ict; by placing Tamia ra in the foreground, she is larger , her presence is larger, a nd that helps convey a sense of con fi dence and courage, whereas i f you fl ipped it, we’d likely see a massive Cair n looming over a sma ll asura in the back. O f course, even with Cairn so smal l in the background, his tiny form still manages to convey a certain threat level, as if he’s silently inviting the raid party to dare an approach. Also consider the tilt of the scene, and how i t directs the eyes to eventually slide down pa st the asura and onto the platform in th e background. This piece is al l about the visual narrative fl o w and it’s somethin g I’ve really come to enjoy from knight- m j’s work.

“Bastion of the Penite

nt” by gears2gnomes


s he waki ng u p? Iyone s a i d a s t he c a pt ain made a c o ns cio us groa n. She ha d s taye d by h is side for as lon g as she could . The human, Rilana, gave Iyone a single nod, tying o ff a fresh change of bandages around Greer’s arm. “Seems like. The antidote worked. The poison should be completely out of h is body i n a little while.” “I owe him a million apologies,” Iyone said, crestfallen as she whirled a shimmering orb of elemental water around the bandages to continue the charr’s healing. With her free hand sh e dried her glowing golden eyes. Exhaustion hung from her face; it’d been a lo ng day. The two had taken shifts looking after their captain while th e other would trek b ack to their small camp to pack and relocate supplies to the nearby ledge where they’d originally spotted the Nightmare Courtiers. Once Greer had been properly sedated, they slowly and carefully moved him t o higher groun d, out of th e open. The engineer rose from her squatting position before placing a hand on the sylvari’s shoulder. “You’re a good kid, Iyo. The captain will forgive you, given enough time.” With a heavy sigh, the Pact recruit dismissed Rilana’s comforting words. “Charr have a deeply ingrained respect for the chain of command; it doesn’t matter if it’s for their legion or for an organization like the Pact. The smallest insubordination is… unacceptable. I risked our safety and the mission’s success for petty reven ge.” “Well, I’ve known Greer longer; the capta in’s softened a bit since his warband days --his words, not mine-- and h e lets a lot slide when it comes to squad fraternization, at least, outside of combat. In battle, he’s all business because h e has to be. We’re his responsibility and our action s re fl ect on his ability to lead,” the engineer replied, placing the old bandages in a small pot of boiling water next to a second of simmering stew. She spotted her glider prototypes bundled up next to her bedroll, relieved that the sylvari remembered to bring them. 79
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Iyone noted her squadmate’s relief. “You didn’t think I’d leave your pet project b ehind? You’ve been working on those gliders for weeks; it was the least I could do .” “Do you think they’re good enough that Marshal Trahearne will requ isition a manufacturer to make them for the Pact?” Rilana replied with a touch of do ubt. “Considering you built two working prototypes from sticks, rope, and salvaged Zephyrite ship sail, I’d be surprised if they didn’t,” the elementalist reassured. Rilana smiled war mly. “Thanks.” A grumble rose from the charr lying near the camp fi re and the two broke conversation for dinner, ladling up bowls of the raptor meat and vegetable stew. Iyone ate hers on her bedroll while Rilana brought the captain his, letting it cool some before running it under his snout. The charr’s nose twitched at the warm and seasoned aroma, eyes opening slowly. “How long have I b een out?” “Well, it’s dusk now, so pretty much all day,” the h uman replied. “Can y ou sit up ?” “Maybe,” the captain groaned, wincing briefly from the pain in his arm as he moved to prop himself up . “Well, you better. I don’t need you choking to death because you thought it’d be a good idea to eat stew while lying down,” Rilana jeered before shooting Iyone a look. “Hey! Think you can wor k some of your elemental magic here? I don’t want to drag him u p against a tre e.” Without a word, the earth underneath the charr captain rose and curved into a makeshift lounge seat, condensing into a hard and stable shape. Iyone lowered her arm, allowing her spel l to end, and started back to her bedro ll. “Recruit! A word,” Greer barked toward the sylvari before glancing at the engineer. “Rilana, go eat your stew.” Silently, Rilana ladled herself some stew and ate; she sat and listened to Captain Bladewind reprimand their subordinate. She looked over in their direction. Iyone stood sti ff , at attention. Her face, tense, but struggling to maintain its stoicism. His tone was gru ff , angry, but even then, restrained. “When I let you join u s at Fort Trinity, Rilan a vouched for your character as well as your combat skills. The latter is not in question, but the forme r… recruit. Do you have any sense of combat protocol, the chain of command, o r did you r Pale Tree drop you from your pod a little too early ?” The sylvari quivered. “N-no sir.” “These things were covered in your orientation w hen you signed up, and if it’d been up to me, you would’ve spent a year or two longer o n outpost duty with the other recruits so... this is you r fi rst and last warning. Overstep my command again during a combat situation and you’ll be 80 GUILDMAG #19 | FICTION - War Profiteers: Pa rt II
scrubbing Pact copter turbines for as long as y ou’ve been alive.” Rilana knew Iyone wanted to burst into a fl urry of apologies, bu t all she cou ld do was respond with “Yes, sir,” and “No, sir.” Eventually, the captain dismissed the sylvari and called the enginee r over; he watched as the sylvari curled up on her bedroll, facing away from th e two o f them. “We’re headed back to Camp Resolve i n the morning. Marshal Trahearne will want to hear abou t the p rese n c e of the N i g h tmare Cour t this far into Maguum a . I assume you’ll be presenting y o u r glider to him t o secure a manufacturer requisition?” Ril a na s a t in front of the camp fi re , l e a ne d back, han ds and arms bearing t he weight. T h at’s th e plan, boss, and who knows, if we’re lucky, we’ ll b e in Lion’s Arch for a cou ple of weeks before we have to head to th e warfro nt.” “Which means I won’t get to fly in the first attack on Mordremoth,” the charr growled. “You’re lucky I think your little project is valuable for the Pact.” “Only you would see missing frontline co mb at as a bad thing,” she replied with a laugh before inhaling the rest of her stew and w ip in g her mouth the back of her hand. “S o…” “No. I’m not discussing that. She is on probation; th at is fi nal. If yo u don ’t like it, y ou can speak to m y superior when we debrief. It wouldn’t be the fi rst time you’ve gon e over my head,” he snapped . With a sour expression, Rilana stood and walked over to the captain and tightened the knot tha t tied-o ff of his bandaged. The charr winced at the sharp jolt of pain in the wound, and watched somberly as the engineer took fi rst watch above the blu ff . * * * The three had arrived in Lion’s Arch via asura gate after a Pact airship dropped them o ff in Divinity’s Reach. The fl ight fr om Cam p R esol ve was a quiet one. Iyone avoided interact ion with the captain after his reprimand in the jungle. Rilana had accompanied Greer to his debrief at th e camp to make sure his report was accurate, and interjected on several points to the captain’s chagrin. Even so, Iyone remained o n probation. After a few sunny days i n the port city, however , the three were speaking again. Rilana hadn’t been to Lion’s Arch since Scarlet Briar had laid waste and ruin to the city over a year e arlier , not even to mourn the dead. The Pact had re assig ned her and Greer to Fort Trinit y after just a few days of cleanup. “It’s nothing like the old city. I mean, what kind of architect stows the bank vault inside a giant co nc ret e o ct op us , or bu i ld s a s hi py ard th at ’s th e sh ap e o f a g i an t lo bs ter? I t’s ri d icu l ous ,” Ri lan a fumed, hands waving about before letting them fl op to her sides. I guess the memo rial was nice, at least .” “I liked the glass pavilion over the piazza, personally. It reminds me of The Grove,” Iyone said with a wistful smile, her stare, distant, lost in memory . FICTION - War Profiteers: Part II | GUILDM AG #19
“It’s a hazard,” the charr captain replied. “All it would take is one well-placed explosion or earthquake to shatter that glass over dozens of people. Art is fi ne, but should always take a backseat to defensibility. Any charr engineer worth their salt will tell you th at.” “Sure, but then you end up with a city l ike the Bla ck Citadel, a dar k, ugly, heap of scrap,” Ril ana said, every word dripping with a sarcasm. Even so, Greer sneered at the engineer, but she shrugged it o ff with a laugh . “C’mon, Captain. That w as to o easy.” Greer spat to his side before stopping to take a seat on a n open bench along the streets of the Trader’s Forum. A small fl ock a seagulls fl ed the area, squa w king and screeching a t one another . The mid-morning sun was blotted out b y an overcast of cloud s. Th e air was cool, u ncommon for the tropical climate of southern Kryta. A blanket of fog whorled over the harbor and the docks that lined the alabaster wharfs o f the city. Still, the residents appeared unmolested. Characteristic of people who had endured far worse than in clemen t weather. Rilana took a seat next to the captain, letting out a long sigh. “Well, we have a day o r so to kill before our scheduled meetings with some of the city’s major manufacturers; the Consortium, the Black Lion Company to name a few. Remember, Marshal Trahearne told us to drive a hard bargain and, fortunately for u s, m y father taught me how to haggle w ith the best of them.” “I thought your family was nobility? Why would you worry about saving money?” Iyone said with a puzzle d expression. “One of my fathers was nobility, but one was a commoner, a painter. He was lucky to get th e commissions he did. Nobles love a good portrait of sailing ships, wild horses in the cou ntry , their own families; you know, to preserve the memory o f their dynasties,” the human explained . “Of course, when he and my other father married, he didn’t have to worry abou t making ends meet, but h e still paints, still haggles when shopping. Old habits die hard, I guess.” “Does your father... take commissions from charr?” Greer followed, his claws scratching at the fur around his chin. Rilana’s eyes narrowed. “Why?” “Oh. Uh. Just curious, the captain replied, now scratching at the mane along the back of his neck. A bright grin spread between her lips. “You want a portrait of yourself? Your warband?” She watched as he remained silent, fidgeting with his claws. “You do, don ’t you? That is so cute!” The charr was about to reply, when Iyone sudd enly stagger ed on her feet as if she were about to faint.. “Agh …” “Iyo? What? What was that?” Rilana said, still smiling, thinking the sylvari had a dizzy mome nt. “It’s… I can hea r something. It’s buzzing, cla wing at my mind, through the Dream. I don’t know… no. NO! It can’t —,” the sylvari burst out loud, hand s grip ping the side of h er head. 82 GUILDMAG #19 | FICTION - War Profiteers: Pa rt II
“Iyone?! What is happening?” Rilana’s smile vanished. She stood, grasping the elementalist’s bare but ridged shoulders. Greer stood as well. “Let’s get her out of the op en. There’s an alleyway just over there,” he said, pointing to a n opening between two rows of newly con structed hou sin g comp lexes. A s they moved her, the charr spotted a couple of other sylvari street-goers behaving similarly, passerby’s rushing to their sides. “What is going on?” he mumbled under his breath. The fi t ended just as qu ickly a s i t began. Iyone stood her ground, stopp ing her tw o comrades, both staring at her with concern. “It stopped, the voice, but the buzzing, th e buzzin g is still there, it’s quiet, tho ugh.” Rilana sighed again .“Do you have any idea what that was? Some of the other sylvari i n the street looked like they were experiencin g the same thing.” “I… it was loud, only for a moment. Wha tever it was, it was calli ng me… to serve, to give myself to it. It wanted me to kill you. Jus t—” Iyone gasped, raising a trembling hand to cover her mouth . She broke into a sob, eyes wide, fi lled with terror. “Just like the Nigh tmare Cou rtiers.” “What? Iyone, that’s insane,” the h uman assured her. “I didn’t think much o f it then , I thou ght the voice was just my conscience, but a s I killed them, it pushed me to g o further. If the captain hadn’t sn ap ped me out of it…” she paused, her face downcast. The petals that that formed the back of her head partially shut. “This is what happened to Aerin,” sh e whispered. The captain raised a n eyebrow. “Aerin? You mean that weed you traveled with to meet the Zephyrites who then blew u p their ship? He killed a score of inn ocent people. Yo u may have disobeyed my orders, but don’t compare yourself to h im. It’s beneath you.” “Aerin was my friend, my brother! How co uld you say that?” “You’re not helping, captain, Rilana his se d. “Sorry… I— I didn’t know,” that charr muttered, backing away from the two them, opting to usher c u rio us c i t y goers away from the alley entrance. O nl y a few min u tes passed before I yon e rallied and Rilana suggested they retreat to their room in the Black Lion I nn. As the three walked hurriedly along the streets, something had changed. A number of sylvari w ere seen s itting o n benches, o n t h e g round. Some l ean e d o n t h e w a lls o f buildings. All lookin g like they’d come down with dizzying headaches. Some had friends to comfort them, others did not. As they reached the inn on the corner, there was a loud crash as a body fl ew th rou gh the inn tavern’s large window. The bloodied, bruised, and unconscious body of a sylvari r olled into the street in a shower o f glass and wood splinters. A charr and a norn ran ou t on to the street and over to the sylvari’s body, but not before Rilana got there fi rs t. “Hey! What the hell is going on?” sh e demanded. FICTION - War Profiteers: Part II | GUILDM AG #19
The two strangers, also bruised somewhat, spat at their feet. “This sylvari was busy getting drunk at the bar. The barkeep cut him o ff and he went berserk, tried killin’ h i m and anyone wh o tried to stop him,” the norn said. “It’s none of your business anyway. This happened in Evon Gnashblade’s inn , which means you should get out of our way and let his security do w hat we’re paid to do,” the female ch arr continued, looking past the human engineer to the charr captain. “Hey, Pact. G et your mouse to stand down or I’ll do i t my se lf.” In an instant, Rilana had a pistol drawn and pointed between the charr enforcer’s eyes. “You’re going to make me move? Honey, I’ve killed things far scarier than a couple of paid bouncers,” she jabbed. The norn gave his charr partner a small nudge. “Aye. It’s not worth it. Lea ve the crazy bloke for the Lionguard; we’ll still make our report to the boss,” he said, his focused stare connecting wit h Rilana’s. “And h e won’t be pleased.”
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FICTION - War Profiteers: Part III | GUILDM AG #19
he last swig’s worth of fi rewhiskey had spilt out of its fl ask and onto the small desk of Captain Greer’s room in the Saltspray Dragon Inn . The single small window’s curtains were pulled shut, still allowing for the faint glow of the morning light to illuminate part of the room. The tepid spirits pooled around h alf a d ozen o th er empty bottles, some knocked prone, others still standing - liquid stains having already form ed on the desk. A sizeable wooden pail had been left by the captain ’s bed. It sat half empty, fi lling the room with a pungent smell that mixed w ith that of th e spilled fi rewh iskey . A knock wrapped at the door. A minute passed, and another series of knocks followed, louder this time. “Greer? Y ou awake yet?” From the hall, Rilana pressed a n ear to the door; there was no sound. Sh e cursed un der her breath while reaching into her satchel, pulling free a small bund le of intricate tools. W ithin m inutes, a n d t h e click o f a lock, Rilana pushed her wa y into t h e r o om, g rab bing the fre s h p a i l o f water she brought, fi lled a little past halfway with water. The immediate shift in smell gave the human a brief moment of pause before her expression grew irritated. “Wake u p, Greer.” she spoke, louder now. Her demands were simply met by a low, guttural, groan and a slight shift of the charr’s large form underneath a mess of bed sheets. With his small movement, Rilana watched a s an empty bottle slid out from under the sheets and onto the fl oor. “Oh, for Faren’s sake!” In a moment of piqued frustration, the human lu nged forward with the water pail, the clear liquid splashing hard against the captain’s partially covered head . The cold and sobering wash shocked the charr awake and alert. I mmediately, the charr reache d up to cradle his head, now keenly aware of his hungover state. He could hear his engineer speaking angrily at him, but her words were drowned out as his vision spun in a dizzying motion . A familiar lurching feeling fi lled his gut as he instinctively shoved Rilana away as he rea ched for the pail. A few minutes pass, Rilana stood o ff t o the side amidst Greer’s scattered Vigil armor, her exp ressi on aw ash wi th a m ix ture o f di scomf or t, sym path y, an d di sapp oin tm en t. A rms cr ossed , she waited for her captain to regain some semblance of his composure. “Greer … It’s been over a week,” she spoke softly but p ointedly. “A week?” he replied, grogginess hanging from his deep voice, claws itching a spot on his head. “The meeting w ith the Black Lion Company?” “Cancelled. I thought it best given the circumstances,” Rilana paused for a second. “And because I shoved a pistol in the face of Mister Gn ash blad e’s employee.” The captain nodded slightly. “Any further word from Camp Resolve?” “Yes, actually. Vigil command has received reports that a good number managed to survive and that the Commander has pressed on into the jungle in Marshal Trahearne’s absence,” she
relayed, her features softening from her initial irritation. “Meanwhile, Iyone has been playing messenger between the Vigil barracks and the Order of Whispers Headquarters to keep her mind o ff of… well...” “You shouldn’t let her wander about the city,” the charr grumbled. “For everyone’s sa fety… and her ow n.” “Excuse me?” Rilana’s expression grew fl ustered. She turned away and walked to the door. With a quick jerk, she angrily wrenched the knob to open it, the thick dark wood swinging open fast enough to create a burst of air. “I’ve left you to your grieving for a week, but Abaddon be damned if I have to play Cap tain for you!” Greer’s somber stare fell unseen on his subordinate’s back. “Lana. Pleas e.” She stopped in the doorway. “If you want to relieve Iyone from active d uty, do it yo urs elf.” The door closed shut with a half-hearted slam. A female asura in the dimly lit hallway jumped at the noise and looked on with concern as Rilana stood still for a moment, releasing an uneas y sigh. She glanced up at the small fi gure a few doors dow n. “Apologies, miss.” * * * The call had diminished to a low hum over the passing days, but the simple knowing of its sourc e fi lled Iyone with dread. Her gaze w ould often fall on other sylvari w an dering the streets of the maritime city. Many of their expressions hollow, pained, and confused as they stared back. A few times she would stop to embrace those that looked especially distraught, and provide the m with words of resolve. It was the most she could do for now. At the moment, she was returni ng to the inn after an uneventful day as message courier. The early evening sun, sitting just above the cli ff s on the western side of the city, cast long shadows against the warmly lit white stone that made up most of the streets and some portion o f the new er buildings. “About time you got back from Vigil HQ. Any word from Maguuma today?” Iyone looked up from the smooth stone r o a d to see Rilana, waiting outside the inn , seated ato p a sealed barrel, one of several that lined the outside wall. A pair of norn sat a few paces away, howling over a joke. The second of th e two gliders she’d made sat tightly b undled i n her lap. A sobering smile crept across the human’s lips. The sylvari returned the same pleasantry, joining her on a second barrel. “Nothing we don ’t already kn ow, I’m afraid.” “Could be worse, I guess. At least there wasn’t any bad new s,” th e en gineer said with a drawn out sigh, adjusting her headban d only slig htly. Iyone shifted. The barrel wasn’t particularly comfortable. “Maybe… I’m not really probing that hard for information, to be completely honest.” “Oh?” Rilana’s full attention shifted to her sq uadmate. 86 GUILDMAG #19 | FICTION - War Profiteers: Pa rt III
The sylvari’s face was averted. “I see how the cityfolk look at me, even The Vigil soldiers. They don’t trust me, an d I don’t imagine they will for some-” “Screw ‘em, Iyo,” the human cut in, her fi erce amber eyes fi xed on the back of Iyone’s head, watching as the sylvari’s eyes slowly came around. Rilana pushed o ff of her barrel, grabbing one of Iyone’s hands before pulling h er alon g. “Wha- where are we goin g?” Rilana did not bother to stop. “O ut... to get a drink.” “It’s n ot even dark yet,” Iyon e replied. “Since when has that ever mattered?” Rilana laugh ed. After a good hour o f wandering and asking for directions, the two were pointed towards wh at appeared t o be a rather discreet hole-in-the-wall tavern not far from the Black Lion Trading Company Vaults. The establishment, despite its rather unassuming exterior, was lavish, from the fi nely carved and stained wooden furniture with plush cush ioned seating, to the gold- trimmed fabrics that hung from the bannisters. Ornate rugs lined the polished marble fl oors and walls, while the thick scent of a fl oral incense blanketed the room. Iyone glanced around nervously. Most of the bar’s denizens were dressed rather formally, meanwhile she traipsed around in her Vigil uniform and Rilana in her own casual wear with a bundled glider fi xed to a harness that hung over her righ t shoulder. “Relax, Iyo. I may not be dressed up to the nines, but they know nobility. They can see it in my walk, how I carry myself. That and the unholy amount o f money I can throw down at th e d rop of a hat,” Rilana spoke softly a s a freckled brow n dimple rose with her coy asymmetrical grin. Just like that, Iyone’s anxiety waned, suddenly enthralled in Rilana’s change in character, as if it was something she could simply turn on and o ff withou t a though t. If the sylvari hadn’t known better, she might’ve thought her friend a mesmer. The two arrived a t the bar and took their seats. The barkeep, a well-dressed male norn, eyed the two w ith mild su spicio n. W hen it became clear that the two were staying, he fi nally lumbered over. “Can I help you two ladies with something? You look a little… lost,” he said, standing high above them and looking down with a less-than-sub tle air of snobbery. Rilana, slid her bundled glider o ff of her shoulder and handed it to Iyone with a quiet “hold this for a second.” She pulled a fi nely decorated gossamer purse with golden thread trimming and jewel embedded metal clip, her coy expression unwavering as she p ushed a few gold coins in the norn’s direction. “Not lost. W e just came by to relax a little and admire my father’s work.” The norn raised a brow. “Oh ?” “That fine painting of Captain Gnashblade in the foyer bares the signature of one Jeramie Dejar and the crest of his husband, Minister Rashid De jar,” she hummed, producing a broach from FICTION - War Profiteers: Part III | GUILDMAG #19
her pouch that bore her family crest. Leaning in and eyes narrowed, the norn stroked his bearded c h i n . Huh… so i t is. Apologies, my lady. What can I offer you?” As Rilana put in orders for the two of them, Iyone caught the glance of a familiar female charr as she disappeared into a backroom. The sylvari nudged her human friend’s arm with a n e lbow. “Yes?” Rilana spoke quietly, leaning in . Iyone kept her voice to a whisper. “Remember that charr yo u threatened?” “Which one? I’ve lost count, really,” Rilana replied with a lo ng cack le. “About a week ago. She was hired mu scle for Gnashblade, yeah?” the sylvari asked. Tw o s m all g l asses w e r e placed g i ngerly in front of t h e two a s the barkee p filled the glasses with a clear yellow but sweet smelling liquid. “T w o glasses of ho neywine.” Rilana broke her conversation with Iyone, glancing u p a t the norn with a n almost fl irtatious grin . “Thank you, dear,” she said, sliding a few more coins to the barkeep for a tip before leaning bac k to the sylvari. “I remember, yes.” “I saw her a moment ago. I thin k she saw u s befor e stepping into one of t h e back r oo ms,” Iyone continued, her unease returning. “Rilana, we n eed to go.” Throwing down her liquor in in a few gulps, the engineer nodded. “Alright. Drink your wine and we’ll be o ff .” Rilana watched as the sylvari drank it as fast a s she could, ignoring the taste and placing the glass on the counter so quick that it tipped and nearly rolled o ff the edge before th e barkeep could catch it. The norn scowled a t the two of them. “Sorry,” the human smiled with faux embarrassment, “she’s a lightweight.” A single thick eyebrow rose on the norn’s face with a smirk. “I can tell.” Iyone was already walking back the way they came in, tightly gripping the glider bundle. Rilana walked fast to catch up. The two cross the threshold of the exit when the crackle o f elemental magic swirled around them, forming a circle of lightnin g. Quickly, Rilana grabbed Iyone’s shoulders, the sylvari’s fea rful gaze meeting her own. “Ta ke the glider, find Greer, and get back -up. Go!” Without much warning, one of the blue crystals on Iyone’s armbands sh immered to life and she leapt high into the air, landing somewhere amidst the construction sca ff olding above. Fro m the ground, Rilana could see a quick glin t of purple light before her friend bound ed away in a ball of Zephyrite lightning. Through her captor’s aetheric barrier, she could see tw o fi gures approaching. One was a male asura in lavish, brightly colored arcane robes - the one who appeared to be responsible for the trap, while the second was the female charr Ri lana ha d the 88 GUILDMAG #19 | FICTION - War Profiteers: Pa rt III
pleasure of meeting days earlier. After a few silent moments, a third fi gure emerged from the adjacent alleyway. He was a medium-sized charr with black and white fur sporting red leather pauldrons adorned with golden chains and studded around the edges, and a well-tailored coat and pants. His prominent grin of sha r p teet h stretching from chee k -to-cheek came into vie w a s he stepped closer to the magical barrier. “Crusader Rilana D ejar, Pact engineer, I presume?” he growled, cupping his clawed hands behind his back. “Captain Gnashblade. You know that by detaining a member of the Pact that you’ve put yoursel f in a rather precarious situation,” Rilana replied, her iron gaze locked with his, every muscle in her face focused on maintaining an unwavering stoicism. T o her surprise, the charr simply chuckled. “But Crusader, you are mistaken. Our previously cancelled meeting has been rescheduled,” Evon said, his own grin, un fl inching. The lightning wall slowly dissolved a s two more of his guards walked up from behind the engineer. The captain approached from the front, o ff ering a single clawed hand to the human in invitation . “Shall we do busin ess?”
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The bite of the bitter-cold air stung Zachariah’s lungs with every breath. Of all the thin gs he hated since coming to the Durmand Priory, the cold was the worst. He often found himself reminiscing of days playing in the warm sun as a child. Today, however, all memories of Kryta and his past brought a stab of pain to his heart. He gave a sigh an d push ed forward. He was headed through the long passageway that led to the outer terrace of the Priory. E ach step made the air colder and befouled his mood fu rther. Th e pained expression on his face made him appear much older than his actual twenty-three years. Even his auburn h air had seemed to lose much of its shine in the past few days. With a shrug, he hitched the satchel he carried to a more comfortable position. I t carried all his worldly possessions; mostly just some clothes and a book. “I’ve been waiting for a n hour!” his thoughts were brought back to the present by a high-pitche d voice. Ahead of him sat a small asura upon a small, well-maintained golem; n o taller than Zachariah’s hip. The asura had large yellow eyes and a pair of very fl oppy ears. His bald head and grey skin almost made him seem like a statue, but his habit of tapping his fi ngers on the head o f the golem broke th e illusion. Ravi only did that wh en he was annoyed. “Sorry, Ravi. The paperwork took longer to do than I’d initially thought it would,” Zacha riah sa id as he approached. “You should have filled it i n last night.” the golem jerked to life as if b y telepathic communication and walked closer to Zachariah. “I guess. I assume you’re ready then?” he gave the satchel another shrug. The asura’s expression softened as the golem reach ed Zachariah . “I should be asking you the same thing. Are you ready, Zach?” Zach ariah nodd ed without hesitation. Ravi’s golem jerked t o life once again as they started walking t o the asuran waypoin t near the Priory’s exit. “You promise it won’t hurt?” Zachariah asked. Ravi’s expression returned to its usual annoyed gaze. “For someone who has an asura for a friend, you really seem to doubt our technology, Flyn n.” Ravi only ever called Zachariah by his last name when he was annoyed. Despite Zachariah’s current state of mourning, he was glad that Ravi did not treat him like some delicate fl ower. Eve r yw here he looked, t her e we r e stares of p ity and remorse. He h a t e d it and appreciate d Rav i
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even more for still treating him like he usually w ould. “It’s no t that I don’t trust your tec hnology, I just don’t like the general nausea and disorie ntatio n that comes with it.” “You wouldn’t experience that if you made your body used to th e activity. It only happen s for the fi rst few trips, but of course you use it so rarely that every ti me is l ike the fi r st.” Ra vi tapped his golem’s head once and it sped up, making Zach take longer strides to stay alongside Ravi. He was trying to annoy Zach, but it only brought a smile to his face. Ravi was the only one who helped him forget the troubles he had faced recen tly. They were quickly approaching the waypoint. Zach felt u neasy, b ut pushed on. H e slipped his hand into his pocket as they walked. He withdrew it; some money clutched in his palm. It was not much, but it would be enou gh to get h im to where h e needed to be. The fl oating, b lue asuran construct came into view. Once they were below it, he wou ld n ot be able to turn back. Only a few more steps n ow “Flynn!” a familiar voice came from behind them. Both he and Ravi stopped so suddenly that they nearly fell over. Ravi groaned and Zach knew why. Only one person annoyed Ravi more than Zach did. Ravi turned around before Zach cou ld . “What do you want?” Ravi said not too kindly. Zach turned to see a young sylvari approach. His rose foliage went well with the similarly coloured robes he wore. His name was Lorian and his thirst for knowledge was unquenchable. Ravi had always found him insu ff erable and since the Mordremoth crisis, even Zach had become weary of him, though he never showed signs of corruption. “Magister Tassi spoke to Steward Gixx and they both agreed to let me come along!” Lorian’s rose tinted leaves seemed slightly pale in the light of th e waypoint n earby. His blue eyes were large and excited. “What? Why!?” Ravi seemed ready to throw a fit. Zach didn’t really mind Lorian’s presence, but he agreed with Ravi’s outburst; there was no reason for Lorian to come alon g. “Well as a Novice of the Priory, I’m not a llowed to go o ff to ga ther exper ienc e or knowledge on my own. But Magister Tassi believes that I should be fi ne under the protection of two Priory Explorers. Primarily, I’ve been assigned t o work under Explorer Flynn. Here is the paperwork!” Lorian held out a sealed letter to Ravi who snatched i t violently before tearing i t open. The asur a
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scanned it and read through it within a record time before sigh ing. “Apparently Lorian here needs fi eld experience before being allowed to advance in rank. With everything going on, we’re the only party that they can a ff ord to put him with. Everyone else will be travelling to places far too dangerous. Th is is supposed to be a personal trip for you, Flynn. Why would they do something like this?” Ravi turned an annoyed eye t o his friend. Z ach sighed. “I couldn’t get clearance for a personal trip with everyth ing going on, so I had to fi le a request for a research trip. We have to write a report on all the happenings within Kryta when we get back.” Zachariah admitted . “You could have told me that earlier.” “I didn’t think it would be a problem !” Zach yelled. Ravi ru bbed his temples and squeezed his eyes shut. Lorian seemed uneasy, but did not try to leave. He was determin ed t o get fi eld experience. Zach couldn’t blame him. With all the Elder Dragon problems recently , the Priory had been struggling to fi eld-test new recruits since almost everyone going o n expeditions were going somew here too dangerou s lately. “Fine. But o ffi cially he’s under your custody. You handle him,” Ravi said before turning to the waypoint. Zach sighed and n odded. H e didn ’t need th is right now. Having to take care of a greenhorn Priory member was the last thing on his mind, but if the higher-ups spoke, h e had to listen. He was, after all, u sing research as an excuse for a personal tr ip. Zach strai ghtened his back a nd walked to the waypoint, not even bothering to look at Lorian , thou gh the young sylvari immediately followed suit. Within seconds the three of them were bathed in the blue light of the waypoint that fl oated right above them. Zach held out the coins he withdrew from his pocket earlier. Ravi and Lorian dug into their own pockets and followed suit. He held his hand with the palm sticking straight up; th e mon ey b alanced in a small pile o n top. He did not look to his side, but he knew that the other two were doin g the same. Instead, h e gave the Priory one last glance; sympathetic faces of pity and remorse stared back at him. He hated it. He felt Ravi and Lorian’s hands on his shoulders; they needed to be tou ching him to go to the same destination since they had never been to that w ayp oint before. “Lakeside Bazaar,” Zach said clearly. Within a second the money disappeared; whisked o ff to some asuran inventors or lab responsible for all the waypoints and their maintenance. Less than a second after, Zach felt a strong tug at his shoulders. Then all physical feeling disapp eared. His mind felt stretched and his consciousness broadened. For a very brief moment, he felt like h e could glimpse in to the Mists. The gods appeared to him, brilliant and emitting an almost blinding light. Then he saw all of Tyria stretched before him. Within it, he felt multiple sources of immense power radiating energ y
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in a steady rhythm. Then Tyria disappeared and he was in a dark void. He saw his mother’s grave. Then his sister’s. Grenth’s voice boo med in laughter all around him. His eyes closed tightly and the voice immediately vanished. When he opene d his eyes, he was standing beneath a waypoint in his homeland of Kryta. Though h e tried to fi g ht it b a ck, he fell to his knees an d emptied the conte nt s of his sto m ach . “You didn’t focus, Zach. You need to focus on your destination or th is is boun d to happen every time, Ravi’s voice came from behind him. Zachariah wiped his mouth on his sleeve an d slowly stood up . “I saw the gods,” he said as he felt h is head swim. “Of course you did. If you don’t focus, your mind gets a ff ected by the Ley Energy that connects the waypoints. You’ll see all kinds of delusions. Asura are taught ho w to focus their minds from a young age, but you humans seem almost incapable o f that.” Zach ignored the jibe and tried to steady his dizzy mind. Wh en the groun d started feeling less like a turbulent sea, he looked arou nd h im. The warm summer sun was baking the wooden houses o f the town. Some farmer s and townspeople were going about their busin ess. A few people stared a t h im; most likely because h e de fi led the groun d below a waypoin t likely used b y many people. His cheeks turned red, but h e didn’t let it bother him too much. I saw the drea m! Lorian said with clear joy, bringing Zach’s thoughts back to thei r situation. “Of course you did. Never met a sylvari that could focus for more than a few seconds.” Ravi was clearly getting more annoyed by the second. Quite familiar with the asura’s bursts of anger, Zach tried to divert his attention. “What time is it Ravi? We need to be there by noon,” h e turned t o his friend. Ravi looked fl ustered at fi rst, but then pulled a small device from his pocket. It projected a small hologram of a clock. “We have ten minutes,” Ravi said. Zach sighed with relief. Their destination was a mere five minutes of walking. “We should g o then,” Zach said and started walking. Ravi’s golem quickly followed , carrying its creator. Lorian seemed unconcerned a bout where they were headed, but there was no need for him to be. Technically he only needed to accompany the m to get some fi el d ex perien ce. H e l azily w a lke d a lon g . Some people e yed h i m with suspicion, but did nothing; they knew that no sylvari posed a threat anymore . It was still a bit di ffi cult for Zach to be around Lorian, but his rational mind would remind him why that w as folly. “So is this the h ometo wn you ’ve told me so much about?” Ravi asked. “No. I lived in Saidra’s Haven a few miles northwest of here, b ut I came here regularly as a child,” Zach replied. There were no more questions from Ravi after
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that; each step closer to their destination made Zach feel more and more solemn. They walked through an alley that led to a tunnel carved into the cli ff that lined the back of the town. It was much cooler in there and Zach was grateful for that much at least. Th e walk through the tu nnel was quick and, before they knew it, the end was in sight. Upon leaving the tunn el he fi nally saw it. This was one of the oldest temples dedicated to the Six Gods that Zach kn ew of; not counting those in Orr, of course. It was composed of a statue of each god a n d some stones l aid i n tw o large circles that made a small pavilion. An overhan g created by one o f the cli ff s that encircled the temple along with some tall trees kept the area in co ol shade. Only a few people stood within the temple’s borders a s well as a few priests. It w a s the priest of Grenth that made Zach’s heart start poun d ing in his chest. He took a deep breath and tried t o calm it, but to n o avail; even his hands were trembling. Slowly, he and his companions walked closer. An old priest of Meland ru came closer and put his hands on Z ach ’s should ers. “The gods will help you durin g th is troubling time, child. Seek refuge in them,” Zach nodded, but could not look the old man i n the eyes. Slowly they pushed pas t the few people that were there, most of whom he did not recognize. Stan ding a t the edge of the centre-circle that made up the pavilion, he saw it. A stack of wood was neatly packed. Bush els of leaves and dry w ood had b een stu ff ed int o the p ile wherever possi ble . Some w a d s o f c loth reekin g o f fl amm abl e oil also stuck out in places. His eyes slowly moved up to the top of the pyre. A simple white sheet covered what was clearly a human body. The sheet w a s neatl y folded around the feet, legs and torso. Only the head remained uncovered. Whe n Zachariah laid his eyes upon the face of the dead man w ho loo ked so much like him, his kn ees buckled b eneath him. For the second time that day, h e fell to his knees. Tears streamed down his cheek s in an unending torrent of sorrow. His stomach convulsed as the sobs shook him to the core. I t came so suddenly that h e did not even have the time to prevent a wail from escaping his lips. He felt Ravi’s hand on his back, but it did not help. Nothing could help now. He heard the priests move t o the pyre and start their chant of the Six, asking t he god s to w elcome th eir ch ild back into th e Mists with a lovi ng embra ce. Thi s mad e Zach sob even harder. His hands clenched into tight fi sts; his nails drawing blood from his palms. His teeth clenched and broke the skin of his lower lip; the taste of blood fi lled his mouth. Non e of these things bo th ered him. The chant stopped and Zach heard the crackle of a torch a s the torchbearer, usually a young priest- i n-training, walked past him. He wanted to stop them. He wanted to pull the pyre apart with his bare hands and wake the body up with a violent shake. This couldn’t be true. They couldn’t just b urn him away. Th ey couldn’t. Another fi t o f sobbing took him accompanied by another wail of despair .
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He heard the crackle as the fl ames started eating away at the dry wood of the pyre. Zach felt like a child again. Alone and afraid. A whimper escaped his lips as the sound o f the fi re grew, yet he dared no t look up. “Papa… Papa please… Papa don’t. Please Papa, come back. Why are you leaving me? You said you’d always be there for me. I’m all alone now. I don’t want t o be alone… Papa…” h e whispered in a whimpering voice. * * * The pyre had burnt down to a small pile within an hour. The guests, now slightly more numerous, slowly made their way closer to the fl ames to pay their respects . Zachariah was sitting on the ground between Ravi and Lorian with his head restin g o n his knees. Ravi’s hand never left his shoulder and even Lorian laid a comfortin g hand o n him. He was grateful for their support, but it did not take away the deep feeling of loss. The hole that the passing of his mother and sister had created within him was even wider now. He felt h ollo w and empty; a drained man . “Come Zach, you need a drink. I think I saw a tavern in tow n,” Ravi’s voice came from his left. Zach wanted to hug the asura, but h e knew that it wouldn’t go well. Ravi was more understanding of human emotion than most of his race due t o his time working closely with them in the Priory, but he was still a n asura with a clear bias against most other races. Zach nodded and let Ravi and Lorian help hi m up. They slowly walked to the tunnel entrance when two of the guests stepped in front of them. “You’re Darion’s son aren’t you? You poor thing,” one of the two ladies said. Zach wanted to reply, but before he could, th e other one started talking. “Such a dreadful disease to have taken him. W e were such a fan of his books. We heard that he was working on one, but that he left it w ith you. Is that true?” she spoke rather quickly. Zach thought of the book in his backpack, bu t wondered how they kn ew of it. He was about to ask them when a thunderous explosio n rip ped through th e air. Zach looked around and saw that some people were looking a t the sky. Large, red crystals fl ew through the sky, leaving strange pin k trails beh ind th em. They were headed in the direction o f Divinity’s Reach! Another explosive sou nd came followed by more crystals fl ying throu gh the air. “Such a shame. We had hoped we could get it the easy way,” the voice of the fi rst lady drew Zach’s attention. Right before his eyes, red magical energy enveloped them. Their clothes were replaced by white and red robes, emblazoned with a symbol Zach had only seen in history books before; the emblem of th e W hite Mantle. Before he could respond, he felt Ravi push him to the side; the bla de of a sword missed his heart and cut his arm. They were tryin g to kill him.

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